Twenty Five

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Hey guys! I'm really sorry for not updating for so long, but I'll try to update more often!
Forever Alone

I looked up at Sam, who was walking around the room nervously. I was sitting between Cameron and James, who were both holding one of my hands each. I rested my head on James' shoulder and sighed.
-Why do people have to be so cruel? I asked, letting some small tears fall.
-I don't know,Benji! Replied James softly, as Cameron began to play with my hair, trying to calm me down.
I looked down at my watch. We were already five hours at the hospital and no one had told us anything about Denis' condition and that made me have some negatives thoughts, that I tried to block.
As I slowly closed my eyes, I saw a doctor walking to out direction. We all stood up quickly and Sam ran to us. Cameron let go of my arm, so he could hug Sam, but James squeezed my other one.
-I'm guessing you are here for mister Shavorostofff? Asked the doctor, having a hard time to pronounce Denis' last name.
We nodded and he sighed.
-I have good and bad news! The good news are that Denis is alright...
We cut him off sighing in relief.
-But, as I was saying, he alright physically.
-What do you mean? Asked James a bit confused.
-Denis is under shock right now and he has a hard time to breath normally from the panic attacks, he is having. Did he ever had anxiety? Asked the doctor and the guys looked at me.
-I honestly don't know! He hasn't told me anything! I answered.
The doctor nodded.
-Well, Denis was diagnosed with anxiety, that's why I asked you about it! I suggest to cancel the shows for three weeks and let him rest! No physically or sexually activity is allowed! Said the doctor and I blushed.
-Are we allowed to see him? Asked Sam and the doctor nodded.
We followed him to Denis' room, but he stopped outside the door.
-Just be easy with him warned that he might look...strange and changed! He said, before he let us in.

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