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-What the hell did just happen? Asked James and I looked at the floor awkwardly.
-What did you do, Ben? Asked Cameron and I looked at him, with wide eyes.
-I didn't anything! I said, kinda lying and the guys understood it.
  Before anyone could say anything, Denis walked in the room and sat back on his seat. I did the same and we all looked at him.
His eyes were red and I couldn't see emotions in his eyes. It scared me, honestly. Denis' eyes were always happy and seeing him like this made my heart ache.
-Ben didn't do anything! Everything is okay, guys! I just remembered something bad and sad! He told us and the guys believed him.
But I knew that something with the whole <<almost-kissing-situation>> hurt him. I couldn't understand what, though.
-You sure you okay? Asked Cameron.
Denis nodded and took a bite of his bread with Nutella, before drinking some of his caffe.
  I looked at the food in front of me and had a fight with myself about what should  I eat, when I felt my phone vibrate.
Mary:Last chance. Do you want me back?
Fuck off!
I sighed and took a bite of the eggs in front of me.
-Who was that? Asked Sam.
-Mary. I answered codly.
-What did that bitch want? Asked James.
-She texted me asking if I wanted to get back to her! I answered.
-That bitch! Commented Denis and we all nodded.
There was a comfortable silence as we all ate our breakfast enjoying each other's company.
-So, I was thinking... Began, but I cut him off.
-You and thinking isn't a good combination! I said making Sam and Cameron laugh, Denis smile and James give me the finger.
-Anyway, I was thinking about continuing with driving today! And, if I am right, we would arrive at Seattle after five hours of driving! He informed us and we all nodded, before we went back to our rooms, to pack our things.
Denis didn't even look at me and when I found the courage to speak, he walked out the room caring his things. I sighed and followed him to the car, where I sat next to Sam in the passenger seat, waiting for James to finish paying for the rooms.
I looked at the back, where Denis was sitting reading one of his books. He looked so sad and the fact that I kinda caused it made the whole situation worse.
-Let's go fuckers! Said James, who sat next to Cameron,before Sam began driving.

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