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This chapter might be really boring and small, but the next ones will be more interesting and bigger!

After two hours of listening to Slipknot over and over again, we finally manage to leave our town. We decided that our first stop was going to be Seattle, so we got comfortable.
James turned off the music and Dennis took out a book.
-What's that? I asked.
-That's a book! Do you know what books are, Benjamin? He joked and I gave him the finger.
He laughed.
-It's called The World According to Anna. Dennis answered.
-What is it about? I asked.
-It's Science-Fiction and it's about a girl that can see how the world is going to be at the year 2075, if I remember correct.
-Sounds interesting! I told him and he nodded.
-It is! If you want, I can read it out loud! He suggested.
-Yes! Yelled Sam, who was bored as fuck.
Dennis laughed and opened the book, starting reading. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, listening to his accent. At that moment his voice sounded like music in my ears.
I was proud of Dennis. When we first met, he couldn't say a word in English,but now he speaks better English than us. I remember the time we were watching a film together and he asked me all the time about the meaning of some words. The guys and I used to make fun of him, because he couldn't pronounce some words right. But now we knew that if we laughed at him because of his Engilsh, we would hurt him really bad.
I was brought out of my thoughts, when Dennis stopped reading for a moment. I opened my eyes and looked at his confused face.
-What's wrong? I asked.
-How do we pronounce this word? Dennis whispered showing me the word that was confusing him.
-Noise pollution. I told him.
-Noise pollution? He tried and I smiled.
-Exactly! I told him and I saw him smile, before he continued with reading.

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