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-She's a bitch! I heard James mumble from the back.
I nodded.
-Let's forget about her! We aren't here, in this car, to make Ben unhappy, are we? Let's think about something more...nice and happy! Like...alcohol! Suggested Sam.
James groaned.
-That's the last thing I want to think about! He said and Cameron glared at him.
-Fuck off, James! This conversation is not about you! He said making James shut up.
Finally, some peace.
I looked down at my shoes, while Sam and Denis were fighting about something. But, I was too lost in my thoughts to understand about what.
I felt numb, heartbroken. There was a pain on my chest. It was so painful, that I thought I couldn't breathe. I wanted to cry, to scream or both, but I didn't really feel like doing it. I hadn't realized that I was crying, before Denis wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to him.
-It's okay! Let it out, Ben! We are here and we aren't going let anyone hurt you! He whispered in my ear, making me cry harder.
  Why couldn't Mary be like Denis? Caring and kind? Stupid and smart at the same time? With a great taste in music,movies, books and food? Why couldn't Mary be so perfect like Denis?
Denis stared playing with my hair, trying to calm me down. I could feel Sam and Cameron looking at me with pity, while James was laughing.
-Why are you laughing? Your best friend is crying! Sam asked him.
-Because Ben looks like a high school girl crying over a stupid boy! Answered James with a high pitched voice, making me laugh.
Honestly, I felt like a pregnant lady with mood swings.
Even when I calmed down, Denis didn't let me go. I smiled to myself. He cared. He cared a lot. Suddenly, he stared playing with my hair and I felt butterflies. I was sure that my face had become red, but I didn't care. It felt right to be in Denis' arms. I felt safe and loved. Like James had said, I felt like a high school girl, who had a crush on a boy.
Wait! A crush? No, no,no! I didn't feel like that. I mean, I loved Denis, but just like a friend. He was one of  my best friends, why shouldn't I love him? He was my best friend, I couldn't have a crush on him! I couldn't let the fangirls being right about Brustoff! I couldn't.
-You okay, Ben? You have zoned out for about five minutes! I heard Cameron saying, bringing me back to reality.
-I'm fine, guys! Don't worry about it! I reassured them.
Denis was ready to say something, but James cut him off.
-According to Google, there is a hotel in fifty miles! He informed us.
-And? I asked, waiting for him to continue.
-And I was wondering, if you guys agreed to spend the night there! He suggested.
Denis, Sam and Sam nodded.
-Yeah, that's a good idea! Agreed a very tired Cameron.
After half an hour, we finally found the hotel. We got out the car and grabbed our bags, before walking in the building, where James, being a gentleman, payed for our rooms. Sam and Cameron had to shared and so had Denis and I. James had a room for himself.
The lady behind the desk gave me the key for our room and after I had thanked her, I followed Denis to our room.

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