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Hey! I have just published my new book and I would really appreciate it, if you checked it out!
(unedited-you might find mistakes)
-Guys, we are going out! Yelled Cameron and grabbed Sam, before they ran out the bus.
I laughed and looked at Denis and then at James.
-I'm going out, too! Have fun, but not to much! Denis isn't in a state to do anything that isn't innocent, Ben! He yelled and got off the bus.
I looked back at Denis, who looked like a tomato.
-We are alone! I smirked.
-I know! He smiled innocently.
-What do you want to do? I asked him, moving closer to him.
-Watch a movie on my bunk? He asked and I nodded, standing up.
-Carry me? He asked and I smiled.
I carried him bridal style to his bunk. Then, I grabbed my laptop and some food and climbed in next to Denis.
-Which movie do you want to watch? I asked him.
-Frozen! He answered, eating a banana.
Stop it,Ben! He isn't in a state to do anything with you right now!
-Are you serious?
He nodded and I laughed.
I found the movie and pushed play. Denis squealed and I laughed.
I had never imagined that I would ever see Denis sing Frozen soundtracks at the top of his lungs, although I tried to stop him, because I was worried about his lungs' condition.
-Ben, for the last time, I'm fine! Snapped Denis, after Olaf's song.
My eyes went wide and looked down. Denis paused the movie and looked at me.
-I'm sorry,baby! I didn't mean to snap at you!'s just getting on my nerves, that after that show you guys are so worried about me! I'm fine, guys, and I can do things on my own! I'm not a baby!
-Denis, we are just worried about you! We  don't want to see you on hospital bed never again! I'm sorry if I made you feel like a baby, but in the end you are my baby! I told him and smiled, as he hugged me tightly, kissing my nose, making me giggle.

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