I ran to my room. I was frustrated and confused on why mother thought that this was actually good for me. I didn't like what was going on at all. My mom was controlling what I do once again, just like usual! I cried on my bed, so angry at the world! Someone knocks on my door.

"Go away!"

"It's me!" I recognized the voice.

"Oh...come in." It was my friend, Daisy, who was also the only friend I had when we were little. Tears were running down my face when she came in.

"What's wrong? You look like you've been crying." Daisy said.

"I have. My parents want me to marry a total stranger and I don't even want to. I want to be able to have my own choice! My own future! I don't want to marry someone for money! I want to marry for love!" I continued to cry.

"Look. I'll talk to them. Let them know that this is a pointless idea. Come with me, will you?"

"I don't know. I don't even want to see them right now."

"Come on. Everything will be all right. Trust me." She smiles gently.

"Well...okay. Let's go."

"That's my Peach!"

We went downstairs to talk to my parents. When they saw us, they knew what we were going to do.

"Why hello Peach! Have you decided that this was a good idea?" My mother said.

"No. Your highness, we were going to tell you how much of a bad idea this is." Daisy said.

"Look. I understand how hard this must be."

"No you don't! I want to have freedom! I didn't ask for anyone to decide my future for me!"

"Peach! If you do not marry him, then you will stay in your room until you decide to do it!"

"Fine! Maybe I will then!"

"Honey," my dad said, "I hear trumpets."

"Trumpets? They must be here! You're coming with me whether you like it or not!"

"Mom! No!"

Daisy started to defend me "I won't let you!"

"Guards. Take her away! And make sure she doesn't ever come back!"

"No! How could you!?"


"Daisy!" I watched as the guards took Daisy out the back door while mother had a hold of my arms.

"Mom! Stop!"

My mom dragged me out the door to meet my fiancée and my horrifying future!

(Zelda's Point of View):

I read my book called, "What to do when a cat drags in" and have quite enjoyed it. All of a sudden, my door slams open.

"Princess! Princess!"

"What is it Charles?"

"There's been another attack! Hurry! Get your father!"

"Yes. I will right away!" I put my book away, and go to get my father. I get to his royal chamber.

"Father! One of the guards told me that there's been another attack!"

"What? Hurry! Show it to me!" I rush to the front with my father behind me.

In the front room, there lie countless dead bodies that the guards found at the village.

"My word! How many were killed!?"

"About thirty your majesty."

"Sire. I think I know who did this to the innocent villagers."

One of my father's most trustful servants comes out. His name is Ganondorf. He came from a desert land and said that he had come to lend his assistance for my father. Ever since, my father has had him as a trustful servant. All of a sudden, a villager opens the main door. The villager was completely wet from the rain and had blood on his chest. The man fell on his knees.

"Soldiers. Set the man down." My father picks him up into his arms. "Tell me, what happened? Who did this to you?"

"It...was...the monsters. They...attacked our village...and burned it to the ground."

"Monsters? Those creatures! So they're the ones, as usual, doing this!"

"Sire. I think that there is someone that is unleashing the monsters. Why else could the monsters have done this to countless villages?"

"You're right Ganondorf! I knew I could count on you. Guards! Search all of the villages, and if there are any mysterious people that might be behind this, bring them to me!"

"Yes sire!" The guards said.

"Go with them Ganondorf!"

"Yes, my lord." Then the man speaks again.

"Th...th...thank you...f...for...protecting us...y...your...m...majesty." After that, the man died in my father's arms. He slammed his fist onto the ground.

"We must do something fast before these creatures attack another village. If only someone were here to help us. We would not be in this kind of trouble and they could stop what or who ever is unleashing the monsters of Hyrule and causing these attacks!"

I knew that father had a point. We had to do something about these attacks going on in Hyrule! But there was one thing bothering me. The other night, I had a strange dream of a man who had dark, mysterious, cold eyes, who in fact looked like my father's servant, Ganondorf. I had such a horrible feeling about these things. What would happen to us? And mostly, what would happen to Hyrule?"

"Father, can I speak to you alone for a minute?"

"Yes sweetheart. Guards! Servants! Leave my daughter and I alone for a second! So, what is it you wanted to tell me Zelda?"

"I...I have a strange feeling about Ganondorf and...it's...not a good one either."

"Ganondorf? Why...he's been of great service over the past years to Hyrule. He's very clever when it comes to these things."

"I know father, but."

"Zelda. You can trust Ganondorf. If something were to happen, then Ganondorf would handle it. He will protect us. Otherwise I would not have him here at all. Do you understand?"

"Yes, father.""That's my girl." Then father gave me a kiss on my forehead and the sweet, kindly smile he always gives me.

Nintendo Main Story 1: Ocarina Of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now