Love Drought

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To be honest, you can't rely too much on this kind of self-reporting to access what we are talking about today because while some people who are over-confident or obsessed with power or downright deceitful might tell you that they are, there is a certain subset that won't.

Many of the disorders that we have talked about so far are considered, "ego-dystonic" meaning that people who have them are aware that they have a problem and tend to be distressed by their symptoms.

I scrambled to the bed, trying my best not to take my eyes off the screen and pulled out a empty notebook from under it. I keep way to many of these. I have boxes and boxes full of notebooks. I wanna keep them locked up somewhere, kind of like how Prince says he wants to keep a vault full of his music. Maybe I should throw a few of my notebooks in there, or maybe I could keep them all stashed in there atleast when it gets full. So when I die, i'll still be able to keep giving. That's a nice thought.

I bit the top off the pen and spit it to the side of me. I started making a character analysis chart for myself. "Why?....How?....Internal...External..." I was highly determined to figure myself out in some sort of way. I was going to

Like a person with Bipolar Disorder or OCD generally knows that they have a psychological condition and they don't like what it does to them.

I quickly wrote that down. "That's me alright..."

But some disorders are trickier then that.They are "ego-syntonic", the person experiencing them doesn't necessarily think that they have a problem and sometimes, they think the problem is with everyone else.

Personality disorders fall into this category. These are psychological disorders marked by inflexible, disruptive, and enduring behavior patterns that impair social and other functioning-whether the sufferer recognizes that or not.

Unlike many other conditions that we've talked about, personality disorders are often considered to be chronic and enduring syndromes that create noticeable problems in life.

I chuckled. "You got that right..."

And as you can tell from these self assessment statements, they can range from relatively harmless displays of narcissism, to a true and troubling lack of empathy for other people.

Not only can personality disorders be difficult to diagnose and understand, they can also be downright scary. Most of the extreme and severe disorders go by names that you probably recognize: psychopathy and sociopathy. I'm talking, like, serial killers here, mob bosses, Vlad the Impaler.

As the intro played, I couldn't help but smile at the campy tune. "This is the cutest shit, holy fuck. This is so damn cute." I think for one that was a long ass intro to have before the actual intro and two these are some cute ass graphics. This makes this a ton more enjoyable. I opened a water bottle and took a sip waiting for it to start.

Episode #34: Personality Disorders.

The man in the awful suit popped back up again, making me cringe again. He looked no older than 30 maybe. He has a sort of boyish charm to him, made him all the more interesting.

Cultures have been studying human personality characteristics for thousands of years, but the concept of personality disorders is a much newer idea.

Much of our modern classifications of these disorders are based on the work of German psychiatrist, Kurt Schneider, who was one of the earliest researchers into what was then known as psychopathy and published a treaties on the study in 1923.

Today, the DSM 5 contains ten distinct personality disorder diagnoses, grouped into three clusters.

A 3 column chart popped up and I took that chance to copy it down.

The 80sOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant