4 Those Of U On Valium

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[Days With No Sex: 12]

I smoothed down my dress and took a look around his dressing room. I was extremely proud of my decoration skills, another thing that being a southern belle has blessed me with. I had filled his dressing room with peach and black balloons. I taped some to the walls, and threw a ton of them on the floor. I popped a couple trying to step my way to his vanity. Damn these little legs of mine. I heard Prince's laugh down the hall which made me smile, his laugh is literally the cutest thing I have ever heard. Plus he love being back in Minneapolis and performing here. He loves his hometown with a burning passion, it's so inspiring. I thought I gave back to my community. It's nothing compared to what Prince has done for his. He gives to so many charities, does so many benefit concerts that no one even knows about except the people there, his Minnesota fans. You can feel the love pulsating from the walls of this place.

I flipped my curls back over my shoulder as I heard his heels click closer to the door and when he saw me he stopped dead in his tracks. I threw my handful of black confetti in the air. "Happy show day pooks!"

He stared at me and the room for a while, then a smile crept across his features.

I looked to the side then back to him. "So do you like it oooor..?"

He nodded his head slowly and then began to walk towards me. I stood up out my seat and he pulled me into a very tight embrace, rocking me back and forth. He pulled back looking around the room.

I admired my decorations as well. "I did a good job didn't I?"

He just nodded, it was surprising to me that he was so taken aback by this. Maybe people around him have never done anything nice for him like this but I mean this isn't much. Or maybe he's never had a girlfriend do anything nice for him. I don't know we never talk about his past girlfriends. I mean i've kind of met them already. He stared at me in a strange way, nothing like i've ever seen from him but it made me feel warm inside.

I wrapped my arms under his and pulled him into a hug. "What?"

He slowly shook his head. "Nothing." He looked down at my lips and smiled himself. "Thank you."

I couldn't help but smile. "Anytime pooks."

He kissed me on the forehead. "I think I should let you decorate Paisley Park."

I pulled back. "Like hell, you know how you are about literally everything..."

He creased his brows. "And how am I?"

"You controllin' as fuck man."

"I am not!"

I cupped his chin, making my voice mushy. "Yes you are my widdle Princey pooh, yes you are." I made little kisses in the air until I got to his lips to plant a big wet one on him.

He grinned at my kiss. "I don't know what to do with you anymore."

I cheesed. "You love me because you have no choice."

"No I love you because that's my choice."

I poked out my bottom lip. "Awww...that was sweet." I took his face in both my hands. "Gimme love boy gimme love."

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