He made it towards the kitchen where he met up with Gildarts. "Anything?" He whispered.

"Nothing yet." The two split up once again.

Gildarts headed upstairs whilst Laxus took the basement. Just as he opened the door to the basement, an awful stench hit him like a brick wall. "Oh god..." His stomach instantly turned green.

He covered his mouth and nose with his jacket. He held his breath once more before mustering up the strength to enter the basement.

He slowly walked down the stairs until something caught his attention. A decomposed dead body inside a carton box under the room's flickering light. "Oh..." The body made the smell a bit more gruesome now.

"Nothing upsta-" Gildarts cut his own sentence when he inhaled the odor of death as he went downstairs with Laxus. "Bwuuh..." He held both his breath and vomit.

"I think I found her..." Laxus told him, still trying hard not to vomit himself.

Gildarts put his gun away and placed both his hands over his mouth and nose and continued to press on to go down into the basement. "How long has she been down here!?"

"I give it more than a week old." Laxus did the same thing as Gildarts.

They approached the box. "There's something on the wall..." Though there was light, it was dim, which made it hard for it to see the rest of the basement.

Thankfully, the light was movable and Laxus pointed the light at the body of wall.

What they saw only sent shivers through their spines. LET'S PLAY A GAME, DETECTIVE, were the words that were written in blood on the wall.


A few more patrols were called out to the house and the MEs as well.

"Who could do this to another human being?" Evergreen said, wearing a face mask as she took out the bloodied bones from the box and placing them on a white sheet next to her.

The room was now filled with bright LED lights. "A psychopath." Freed said as he helped her with the bones.

"Now, now, not all murderers are psychopaths." Bickslow said, taking pictures of the box, the bones and the words on the wall.

"Can it you three." Laxus told them, now wearing a face mask himself.

"Sorry boss." The three finally shut their yaps.

"We found nothing around the house sir." A cop came down the stairs and informing the detective.

"Alright." As he saw the grunt cop going away, Gildarts came back down to the basement with a face mask as well.

"How are the MEs doing?" Gildarts asked.

Laxus only nodded his head towards them, telling him to look for himself.

Gildarts looked towards them. "Oh."

"Oi, detective, you said that the girl also had cats?" Freed asked.

"Yeah, well, the neighbor's little girl told us." Laxus answered.

"Would you tell the other officers to look for them? They probably starved and they may have started to eat the body." Freed continued.

"I'll go and tell them," Gildarts happily volunteered. "Just looking at this place makes my stomach hurt." And with that, the agent rushed out of the basement.

Laxus now walked towards the trio. "Anything that could tell you the cause of death?"

"The body was severely eviscerated," Evergreen showed Laxus the deep cuts on the bone. "It's too early to assume any cause of death."

The Dark RoseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin