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Reality TV star/ WWE announcer Nicole Heyman suffered domestic violence at the hands of her ex-boyfriend Mark Hunt, according to allegations in newly uncovered court papers.

The socialite, who is back in the U.S. after a promotional visit to Australia, claimed the MMA fighter repeatedly beat her and demanded to know where she was at every minute of the day.

Hunt's controlling personality is laid bare by Nicole in the restraining order, which were filed at Los Angeles Superior Court back in 2007.

According to the documents, Hunt would punch her in the face, slam her against walls and throw her across the room, leaving her bruised and battered.

His alleged bullying was so terrible he gave her $3,650 to get liposuction because he wanted her to be 'perfect' - then gave her an additional $1,000 for further surgery.

Mark, even forced Nicole to quit jobs and college, poisoned her mind against her own family and would not let her see her friends, the papers claim.

'Mark decided what we would do and when we would do it. He was very much the "King of the castle",' she said.

At the time of their quickie Vegas meeting, she was working as a sales girl at a Los Angeles shop called Body, but her new boyfriend soon made her quit the job.

'He said he did not want me to have contact with my old boyfriends who would be able to reach me at the clothing store,' she said.

'He said he wanted to know where I was at all times.'

According to Nicole , her mma fighter boyfriend wanted her at his beck and call - and even demanded that she cook him food when he arrived home at 4.30am.

She claims he would not let her spend time with her family and friends, start arguments at family gatherings and tried to convince her that her mother and sister were 'evil'.

He allegedly showed naked pictures of one of Nicole's sister to her father, branding the siblings 'whores', and constantly wanted to know where Nicole was.

'Mark told me not to leave the house unless I first told him when and where I was going. Sometimes, mark would not allow me to leave,' she said in her August 2007 court declaration.

'For example, he would not allow me to go to the mall alone, or with friends. He told me that he did not want men to have an opportunity to "hit" on me.

'He would not allow me to go out to dinner with friends I have known since I was a child. If Mark were not home, I was required to call him and ask permission to leave the house.'

But, according to the explosive court papers, Nicole 's abuse did not end there - and he started hitting her just a few months after they got together.

While Nicole stood at just 5ft3in and weighed 107lbs, her husband towered over her at 5ft12in and 275lbs.

One incident of physical abuse that Nicole recalled took place when she and Hunt were going skydiving with pop star Justin Timberlake.

Hunt apparently hit his wife in the face, cutting her lip open and causing her to fall to the floor.

'I fell into the bed frame and banged my knee hard. I was limping when we went skydiving,' she said.

Another alleged incident took place at Nicole's mother's house when Hunt became suspicious about who she was paging.

'He became enraged and punched me in the face. My face was bruised and swollen as a result,' she said.

'I thought about calling the police but was afraid and decided not to do so.

'On another occasion we were at our residence and had an argument. He grabbed my arm and slammed me against the sliding mirror of the closet in our bedroom.'

Nicole claims the abuse continued even after they separated in April 2007.

The total diva star revealed how her estranged boyfriend flew into a rage while she was retrieving some personal items from the bathroom of the home they once shared.

'He came at me and slammed me against the closet wall,' she said.

'He held me up against the wall with his hands around my neck and threatened to choke me. He then took one hand and punched the wall right next to my head.

'He then grabbed me by my hair and told me to get out. He put one hand against my back and pushed me up the stairs (the front door is on the ground level and the bedroom is one level below ground).

'At the top of the stairs, he threw me across the room and I hit my head against the front door. I got up and ran out of the house. I was frightened.'

Mark was ordered to give Nicole a one-off payment of $56,000.

Nicole has since dated no one until in 2010 when she became involved with WWE superstar Brock Lesnar.

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