" Do you believe you have one
soul mate?"

" No. I think we run into several during our lives. I don't think there's just one." I said.

" What have you learned about
love and marriage?"

" You get what you give. What you put into things is what you get out of them. But I don't give advice about marriage cause I'm not married yet. " I said.

"Are you still friends with your

"No." I said.

"What's better: long engagements
or short engagements?"

"Short engagements."

" Ever dealt with a mean mother in law in real life?"

"No. I've been lucky. The mothers like me. I'm nice...I'm not the nightmare girlfriend. I'm not controlling. I think it's important for girls to get along with the moms. It's the moms you have to get by when a son is involved." I said.

"Have you dated or married a
man your uncle didn't like?"

" I've dated men he didn't like. And he told me before, during, and after." I said.

" Do you think it's possible to
do it all-to be a great wife and
a great mom and have a great
career all at the same time?"

"Yes, but it's certainly not easy. It takes a lot of work...and a good partner to help." I said.

" Want to start a family?"

"Yeah. Of course I already do. I don't know about having a lot of kids, but I raise one healthy, really loving child. I do sometimes want that quiet life raising children, but I feel like these things all happen naturally on their own." I said.

" How did you approach health and fitness post-baby?"

"I like to take my time and not try to put too much pressure on myself, but it's hard. I think I forget every time- you give birth and you want your stomach to be flat again. It does take a lot of work, but I usually start slowly by going on walks with the baby. At certain times I take the kids on a walk, and I have this stroller that they can all ride in and on. So I start slowly-but now I'm in full force. I've been working out with a trainer, and having somebody else to work out with really helps motivate me like Brock who helps when he's time." I said.

"How's your connection like with Brock?" She asked.

"There was flirting before, so it was obvious there was attraction, but there was a moment in my mind that clicked when I was like, I'm going to give this a shot. I was probably so tired of bullsh*t in the past. I'd gone through a bad break up three years before. And I was like, This guy has never bullsh*tted me. He had made it clear that this is what he wants. Why don't I give it a shot?" I said.
"Speaking of bullshit past, it has been said that you've been in a abusive relationship." She said.

"Yes, I suffered domestic violence at the hands of my ex-boyfriend Mark Hunt. He would punch her in the face, slam her against walls and throw her across the room, leaving her bruised and battered. His bullying was so terrible he gave me $3,650 to get liposuction because he wanted me to be 'perfect' - then gave me an additional $1,000 for further surgery. He even forced me to quit jobs and college, poisoned my mind against my own family and would not let me see my friends.'Mark decided what we would do and when we would do it. He was very much the "King of the castle" I said.

"How did you get out of that terrible relationship?" Renee asked.

"My uncle Paul who was and still is the only family member talking to me besides his wife was the one who saved me. I mean I made the choice to leave and seek shelter at his house and he helped me with the rest like taking Mark to court." I said.

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