Tagged, Once Again.

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So I was tagged, once again, but I can't remember by who. Anyway here it is.

I dare you to do the all about me challenge.

✌ Full Name: Megan René Bernard

💑Single or Taken: Single

❤️Crushing: Yes, badly

🎓Future Career: Author or English teacher

📏Height: 5'2

❤Favorite Colors: Teal, Green, Blue

👰Ever Want to Get Married: Yes, eventually

👪Want Kids?: Yes and no. Does adopting count?

📷SnapChat:Always using. Add me: meganbernard1

♒Zodiac Sign?: Cancer ♋️

☕Last Drink?: Mountain Dew 😂

👓Glasses: Yes. I'm a glasses wearing, braces wearing, nerd. Fight me.

💄Makeup or Not: Depends on the occasion

🐱Cats or Dogs🐶: PUPPERS SNUPPERS! (If you get that reference I'll love you forever)

👿Evil or Good👼: Well, you see. That can go either way. Angel in the streets, devil in the sheets (Jk, I have no love life. I haven't kissed a guy, much less held hands with one)

⚽Fave Sport🏈: Basketball or Football.

🐼Fave Animal🐷: Penguins!!!!

👅Weird👅: Yes. 100%

🙅Do You Have Haters🙅: Yeah. :(

😂Funny or Nah😐: Eh. If I have a good comeback.

📱Apple or Samsung: Apple.

📖Smart📖: Depends on the subject.

I tag: mattandshawnsbae47 _Lukas Abbi_A JulyTree_08

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