Chapter 6 - Close Call

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The Senate Building illuminated in the night sky as Xavier's jetpack hisses, breaking the silence of the night. He lands on a landing bay on the east side of the Senate Office building; landing behind a Low Altitude Assault Transport parked far from the Hanger Bay Door. He pops his head around the back of the ship to see how many Troopers there are.

"One, two, three, I count eleven in total. Leo, if we are going to do this like ya said this is the time to do it." Xavier relays through the comlink on his right arm bracer.

"Acknowledged, now you see the other LAAT on the platform." Leo relays back from the comlink on his left bracer, while him and Aya watch from a building close to the platform.

"Let me guess? Blow it sky high." Xavier relays with his natural tone of sarcasm behind it.

"Yes and make sure to take care of the troopers so that we can sneak in undetected." Leo relays back, feeling anxious about being the one to call the shots. The Clone Wars did that to him. Taking himself back to when his Master Aayla would be giving instruction from the side-line while he would be front and centre in the action.

"I guess that's how she liked to do things." He says, earning a glance of confusion from Aya and a chuckle from Xavier.

"Roger, roger." Xavier mocks, for being reminded of the plan. He grabs 3 thermal detonators from his belt. Placing one on the transport he's hiding behind, rolling one towards the other LAAT and the last detonator into the middle of a cluster of 5 troopers.

The last 2 explode with a few seconds between them. The explosion from the LAAT killed 1 trooper doing maintenance on it with the other sending troopers flying off into different directions. With a few going over the edge completely.

The remaining 5 troopers run over to see if any of the troopers survived the blast. Xavier than starts to run towards a trooper pulling out his Westar-34 out of the right holster. He rolls over the troopers back shoots him in the head. He pulls the left one out and shoots two more in the face as they looked over to see the commotion.

The last two troopers start firing at Xavier. He shoots at the closest one to him, the trooper rolls backwards narrowly missing the blaster bolt. Xavier takes a bolt to the left shoulder sending him onto his back with his helmet falling off on the way down. Hitting his head on the ground - still conscious.

"Ah, shit." Xavier murmurs, playing through the pain, he crawls himself out of harm's way.

Leo looks on through his electrobinoculars seeing Xavier on the ground. He quickly gives them to Aya. "Xavier's in trouble, I'll be back to come get you once I've dealt with these troopers." He says, feeling the anxiety becoming more prominent. He jumps off the building to launch his jetpack.

When Leo is within a decent range he quickly doesn't waste anytime pulling out his Westar's to take a shot from a far. He pulls the trigger. The blaster bolts rain down, merely distracting the Trooper's rather than actually, hitting them. He puts the pistols away to grab Ahsoka's lightsabre as the troopers begin firing at him. With a snap-hiss sound, it's green blade of coherent energy pulses out to full length. Cutting a fine line between himself and the first wave of bolts.

Leo deflects them in random directions, hoping to slice and dice rather than kill in the air. He forward roles onto the platform. Running at the troopers with gung-ho invested in his strides, with his determined stare cutting down the hope from the troopers domineer. Once close enough, he drives Ahsoka's lightsabre through the closet Trooper's stomach severing his body in two.

Pulling out his left Westar, Leo quick shoots the last trooper in the side of the head. He stares at the corpse for a moment, feeling the adrenaline settle itself. Xavier barks for him to hurry up, breaking Leo from his trance.

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