"Francine is old news to him. He wants Kelly, I know he does."

"It'll be okay, we can just keep Kelly closer to us and watch her closely so dad doesn't get anywhere near her. Whatever happens, mom, I promise I will guard Kelly with my life."

Trace's mother looked on him with a prideful smile, "I know I can always count on you."

Kelly and Francine came into the kitchen, walking in on a mother-son hug. Kelly noticed a slight hint of fear in her mother's eyes, but Francine interrupted what could have been an awkward conversation by suggesting they all go watch a movie in the living room. Trace and their mother agreed and they all settled in to a family night indoors.

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The next day, Kelly found it hard to concentrate on much else but the party the following day. She was overjoyed that her mother had actually said 'yes' to her going. She barely payed attention to the homework sitting in a pile on the kitchen table and rushed through it so she could go outside and meet up with Tyler again.

As she grabbed 'Amos Fortune' and rushed toward the door, her mother stopped her, "Kelly, where do you think you're going?!"

"Outside to read...?" Kelly said slowly.

"No, I want you to stay indoors today. I don't believe that you actually read when you were outside yesterday. You need to read and carefully study if you're going to get a good education."

"But, mom, I wanted to see Jessica when she got home and talk about the party—"

"What party?"

"The party at Tyler's house that you said I could go to tomorrow."

"I don't think that a party is a good idea right now, Kelly. I think you're going to have to miss it this time."

"Mom! You said I could go!"

"I know, but I've changed my mind, Kelly, do not argue with me, please."

"Mom, this is so unfair!"

"Kelly Virginia, you are not to raise your voice at me. I am your mother and you will respect me when I tell you to do or not to do something. Now sit at this table and read your book until dinnertime or you will be grounded for a month."

This is so unfair. I have witnesses that she said I could go to this party and now she's changing her mind?!

"This is so stupid," Kelly mumbled, "Why can't I go?! What changed?"

Kelly's mother stopped correcting her paper and looked at her daughter. She let out a slow breath and put her red pen down, looking at Kelly's expectant face, "Kelly, you're thirteen now. I think you're old enough to know what's really going on..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your father—"

"Yeah, I know, dad got arrested for having an affair with a minor and was sent to jail, so what?"

"Sweetheart, he was released just the other day. He was always protective of this family, especially you, and he is very unstable, Kelly, so I don't want you to go anywhere unattended until we can figure something out about him. Do you understand?"

Kelly nodded slowly, "So...You think he'll--what? Hurt me? Kidnap me?"

"I honestly don't know, Kelly. What I do know is that he's dangerous and I want you to be safe from him. That's why I keep you so close, sweetheart. I just don't want anything to happen to you."

Kelly nodded, "Okay. Fine. I get it."

Her mother went back to grading Kelly's papers and Kelly went back to staring at her book. She couldn't focus on the words on the page, however, and ended up re-reading the same page six times before giving up and just staring out the window.

I wonder if that's why mom kept me out of public school. She must've known dad's release date was coming up and wanted to keep me safe—but that doesn't explain why I've been homeschooled my whole life—I just don't get it. Sure, he had an affair, but that doesn't mean he's a horrible person. Mom is just upset that he ruined their marriage and went to jail. I've got to go to that party tomorrow night or Tyler will probably never speak to me again. I bet I could sneak out. I'd probably get caught, but it's worth a shot.

If I get all dressed for bed and say I'm going to catch up with reading for a while before bed, then I can spend that time getting dressed for the party and once everyone's in bed, I'll just sneak out the back door and leave it unlocked for when I get home. It won't be that late...

I bet Jessica would helpme, too. If I get caught, she'd lie for me and probably say she called me tocome over to the fence to give her moral support for a boy who was mean to herat school or something silly like that. Parents always believe that 'teenagegirl drama' stuff that we throw at them. Perfect. It's practically foolproof. 

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