37. Everybody just needs a little Hope

Start from the beginning

"You'll just have to try your best" she replied "don't let Naruto find out. Dismissed!"

We all shuffled out of the room as Yamoto and Sai went one way so Sakura and I went the other way.

"Do you think we'll be able to keep Naruto from going" Sakura asked curiously.

"I doubt it" I said, shaking my head "that knucklehead ninja just seems to find out about everything."

Sakura nodded her head in understanding and we exited the building as the harsh sunlight made me cringe slightly. It's a nice day today...sometimes I wonder how the world can be so happy when I'm so miserable all the time. I frowned slightly and lowered my head to the ground as I let my thoughts consume me. If Orochimaru really has Kazami captive then during this mission I should be able to save her.

I have to save her!

Kazami is the only person I can tell anything to; I trust her with my life and she's like a second mother to me. I have to get her back; no matter what!

I just need to have hope...


I looked up and saw Naruto running towards us as Sakura tensed up slightly. Damn, we can't let him know about the mission so I just won't bring it up.

"Hey" Naruto said placing his hand on my shoulder "how's it goi-"

"DON'T TOUCH ME" I yelled, putting him in a tight choke hold.

He gasped and sputtered for air as Sakura giggled and watched us with amusement. Naruto's face started turning blue so I released him as he fell to the ground; taking large gulps of air.

"I...f-forgot you could...do that" he said, panting as he stood back up.

I huffed angrily and crossed my arms as Naruto sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well we should get going" Sakura said tugging on my arm "see you later Naruto!"

"Wait" Naruto exclaimed in disbelief as he watched us walk off "I JUST GOT BACK!"

"So what!"

Naruto anime fell and we giggled before turning the corner and out of his line of sight. All things considering, he didn't find out about the mission so I'd say we did good. I just can't wait for this mission.

Don't worry Kazami....I'll save you.

~Hope's POV~

Honestly, I don't know if I can trust this lady.

She told me her name was Kazami but I can't be to sure; it's so hard to trsut people when I've been on the run all my life. I've been from village to village, town to town. Never really having a place to call my own, and it's all because of those Akatsuki assholes! I never asked to be the 10 tailed Jinchūriki; not only is the Akatsuki after me, but some weird guy keeps trying to take the ten tails away from me and I don't know why!

He calls himself Tobi and he wears this weird ass orange mask!

I know for a fact he is NOT A GOOD BOY!

Man, I just have to get out of this damn place! If that old, snake loving, pedophile contacts the Akatsuki I'm a goner!

Sheesh, this all bullshit...
Me: Hey guys! That's the end of chapter. 37! I hope you enjoyed it!

Naruto: You must be the new OC! Nice to meet you!

Hope: Who the hell are you?

Ruka: I could ask the same question.

Hope: *Puts hands on hips*
Was anybody taking to you?

Jirayia: Oh! A cat fight...my favorite!

Naruto: Where'd you come from Pervy Sage?

Ruka: *Crosses arms*
You should be lucky Author-chan was nice enough to let you into this story...we didn't want or need you.

Me: I actually did want her...

Hope: Is that so? Well, I'm not surprised she made me; you were probably boring her fans to death so she needed someone to spice things up!

Ruka: *Gasp*

Naruto: Ladies...


Hope: *Gasp*

Hope and Ruka: *Argue back and forth*

Naruto: Oh no...

Jirayia: Story_of_Fate13 doesn't own Naruto

Me: Later guys!

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