Chapter 18- The Fight

Start from the beginning

I continue thinking of my family, like how big it is, where do they all live, does Nia know any family members, things like that. My train of thought stops as soon as we reach the portal. I see the grey bird form earlier, the exact same one. I remember its eyes. They were such a strange color, they always seem to be shifting, never staying as one color for long. What is up with that bird, and why does it seem to be following me?

"Hey Ivy, come on." Star calls out from next to the portal.

"S-sorry." I quickly reply, and run through the portal to my homeland.

I don't know what I was expecting, but I was greeted by more woods. We continue a quick pace through the forest until footsteps can be heard. We all get into fighting position until a leopard leaps out of the trees, and Saber starts talking to it. As a cat myself, I understand the conversation.

They know each other, and the leopard is a man called Alaric. Saber said that he's Nia's uncle... which means he's my uncle as well. I finally found family.

That is when I decide to step forward and introduce myself.

"I have an uncle?" I ask softly once I turn into a human to talk to Alaric and Saber in their human forms easier. I feel tears brimming in my eyes. Alaric's eyes soften immediately and he pulls me into a tight hug that I slightly hesitate at first, but then I immediately return it, letting my tears and emotions flow freely. I am so elated, I have finally found family.

"I'm guessing you're Nia's twin sister. I am so glad to finally meet you little one. I am Alaric, your father's brother." Alaric pulls back and looks at me with a massive grin across his face. I grin back. "Now that I really look at you, you look a lot like him. We also have the same eye color." I wipe away my tears and study my uncle's eyes. They do look exactly like mine.

"It's nice to meet you Uncle, and yes we do have the same eyes. I'm Ivory, but I prefer Ivy." I introduce myself. We smile at each other, but Uncle Alaric starts to look around for Nia. This won't be fun to explain.

Saber and Alaric speedily lead us to a house in the woods where we are greeted by a woman, who I find out is my aunt. I embrace her, my joy increasing even more. Sadly, my happiness doesn't last as I remember why we are here and the circumstances that I had to meet my aunt and uncle in, on the way to a fight.

Saber starts to explain what happened to Nia, but I can see it's starting to become too much as sadness and guilt are obvious in his eyes and the way his shoulders are drooping. I continue on, since I was actually there, and to give Saber a moment to collect his emotions.

My aunt and uncle want to join us, but thankfully Saber has them see reason, and we continue on alone after spending the night there. As we exit the forest in the morning, when we reach the edge of the mountain range, I feel eyes peering at me from the forest. But, when I turn around, nothing's there.

Yet again, I totally forget about the strange grey bird that seems to be following me, that is, until I see it again in the near future.

This journey has just had a crazy start, and in the fight it'll get even crazier. I have no time to think about some bird that's probably a hallucination brought on by stress or something.

The bird watches Ivy and the rest of her group, hoping that both of the twins that she has been watching out for and secretly protecting since birth will be alright. She doesn't want to lose her charge before their due death date, not again...

With a bird cry, the grey bird launches itself into the air and waits in a tree patiently near the Dark Earth Castle to watch for the outcome that will happen the next day, whether it's good or bad. She will still protect the twins, and try her best to keep them alive while waiting for rescue if they get in trouble. She will do her best, but she can't help but think

"What if my best isn't enough?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:

I'm sorry, I know I haven't revealed who helped Nia yet, but don't worry I'll definitely say who it is in the next chapter! It's all apart of my plan 😉. Also, sorry but not sorry for putting more mystery into the story with the strange grey bird!

What do you think about the grey bird? Do you think it's a shapeshifter, or a witch or something, I don't know! Be as creative as you want, I'm just curious!
Yet again, a question I can't answer as the author, since my answer would give stuff away, or you'd think it's a clue when actually it might not be, and it's just all very complicated.

~Cat Queen

The Twins • Book One • Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now