Yongguk placed Kyeongmi on his lap and kissed her chubby cheeks nonstop. "You're so cute, baby" Yongguk smiled as the little girl giggled.

Kyeongmi turned around and reached her hands out, grabbing the air. Obviously she wanted to play with Yongguk.

Yongguk gasped, the way a person would when they're trying to amuse a baby. He covered his eyes with his hands and opened then again, earning laughs from the infant.

After hearing her laughs, Yongguk hugged and kissed her again.

Jieun unknowingly started to glare at Kyeongmi. Even though she went out of her way to visit Yongguk today, all he was doing was showering Kyeongmi with attention.

But then it hit her. She was seriously being jealous of a little baby. And not just that, she was jealous because she wanted Yongguk's attention.

Jieun slapped her thigh to reprimand herself, which caused Yongguk to stare at her with worry. "Is something wrong, Jieun?"

"No. Nothing's wrong." Jieun replied, placing Kyeong onto her lap to cover up the red mark her hand made.

Yongguk nodded and opened the picnic basket. "Would you like some kimbap? I made it earlier."

Jieun's mood brightened up at sight of food. She was craving kimbap ever since their last outing. She tried to reach out for a piece, but the little boy on her lap was moving around so much, she couldn't remove her hands.

Yongguk saw her struggle and offered to feed her. Jieun gladly took the offer and opened her mouth.

"Oh look it's Yongguk!" a female voice said.

Yongguk turned to the voice that called his name and bowed his head, "Oh Mr. & Mrs. Yim. It's been a while since we've seen each other."

"Yes time flies by so fast. Look at you with a family of your own already!" The woman beamed.

"Is this your wife?" The man bent down to shake Jieun's hand. Jieun looked at the couple and then at Yongguk as she slowly shook the hand.

"Um Jieun, these are my old neighbors, Mr. & Mrs. Yim. And Jieun isn't my wife...and these aren't our kids. She's my classmate who's just helping me babysit."

The husband and wife both laughed at their mistake, "Oh my. We shouldn't have assumed."

Yongguk nodded, "We're in our final year of high school."

"Oh that's good, then you're not too young to start a family of your own."

"Honey, don't scare him." Mr. Yim nudged. "Well it was nice seeing you again, we're on our way to take our son to the lake. Hope to see you again!"

"I hope other people here don't think we're a family. I obviously look too young to have babies." Jieun noted, sitting criss cross on the blanket.

"Don't worry, I'm sure no one is paying attention." Yongguk consoled, looking at Jieun, but then quickly looking away.

If he looks at her, his focus is automatically drawn below her waist. Her skirt rose up as she crossed her legs and he could see her navy colored undergarments.

He blushed at the sight, but wasn't sure if he should tell her. How was he supposed to say it? 'Jieun, close your legs, I can see your underwear.' Um no.

So instead, he just let her sit in that same position for the rest of the time that they were at the park. He would try to keep his head up, but every now and then, his eyes would disobey him.


"So thanks for looking after the kids with me, you really didn't have to." Yongguk said, while unlocking his house door.

"I already said that it was fine." Jieun held Kyeong and through the past few hours, she's grown a bit attached to the baby. But Kyeongmi is another story. She clinged onto Yongguk for hours, therefore making it hard for Jieun to get his attention at times.

Yongguk smiled at the thought that Jieun honestly liked spending time with him. What other reason would she have to endure babysitting when she didn't even have to?

"Oh you're back. Where did you go?" Yongnam came down from his room and Yongguk immediately rolled his eyes.

His brother would usually walk around the house shirtless, and being physically fit, his abs and muscles were quite apparent.

Yongguk glanced at Jieun who of course had her eyes on his brother.

When he looked back, Yongnam was smirking at Jieun. "Yongguk, who's your friend?"

He sighed, "Hyung, this is Jieun."

Yongnam's looked with surprise, "Jieun. You look even hotter now."

Yongguk felt his blood boil hearing how smooth his brother can talk around his Jieun. Well she wasn't his Jieun.

Yongguk grew even more annoyed when Jieun laughed at the compliment and she even started to converse. "Yongguk, I didn't know that Yongnam was your brother."

"I glad you still remember me."

Jieun smiled as her eyes subtly traced down Yongnam's torso, "Of course I still remember."

Yongguk felt like vomiting at the flirting going on right in front of him.

"You know, Yongguk talks a lot about you."

Yongguk's eyes darted to his brother, immediately wanting to murder him.

"Oh, really?" Jieun asked.

"Yup." Yongnam smiled mischievously and Yongguk had a bad feeling about what his brother was thinking. "He told me about the time he helped you out while you were s---"

"Hyung! Please go upstairs!" Yongguk yelled.

Yongnam chuckled and obeyed his younger brother's request. Luckily for Yongguk, Jieun didn't catch what Yongnam was trying to say.

Here's the 2nd upd8 this week bc this book actually got to 1k reads! I srs never thot it would get there so fast

Ppl were probs thirsty for a new yongguk ff bc I know I am still

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