Chapter 39

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{Chapter 39}

The leaves on the trees were beginning to change in London. The sky was becoming more grey day by day and the everlasting summer was now coming to an end. Andrea hugged her sweater closer around her thin shoulders as a cold autumn wind tugged at her blonde hair as she headed into the Salon.

Her heels clacked against the sidewalk as she walked towards the glass doors and pulled them open, getting hit with the familiar smell of hair-dye, rosemary and hairspray.

"Andrea!" Jess's high pitched voice was the first to scream the second she walked in to work. Andrea's face immediately flushed with crimson red as she shyly waved to the bubbling girl who ran towards her without hesitation.

The girl's eyebrows shot to her hairline the second Andrea held out her hand to show her. It had been Andrea's first day back to work in a few days, but of course Andrea had told her friend via text, about Zayn's proposal.

"Oh, my, God." Jess squealed as she grabbed Andrea's hand and admired the rock that was placed on her most important finger. Andrea chuckled, looking around to find the salon dead. The obnoxious Winnie was no where to be found.

"So when is the wedding?" Jess asked, biting the inside of her cheek as Andrea made her way to her desk and sat down. She pulled her scarf out from around her neck and hung it on the back of her chair as she turned to look back at the red head.

"I'm not sure yet." She answered hesitantly, thinking back to the conversations she had already had with Zayn about it. Even though she had agreed and was quite happy about it, she was still uneasy about the idea of being married to him right now. That was the thing about a proposal, right? It didn't really matter when the day would come, just that it would come. 

"Well I better be invited." Jess laughed and walked back to the broom she had thrown down in the rush of excitement. She picked it up and continued to sweep underneath the chairs as Andrea settled in at her desk.

"Have you told Katie yet?" Jess asked, looking up with raised eyebrows.

Andrea sighed, slouching back into her spinny chair and turning it so it was facing Jess. "No." Andrea winced. "She's going to kill me when she finds out. I can't believe I haven't told her yet."

Jess' eyes flickered downward to her unpolished nails, as she bit her lip shyly.

"How's she doing?" She mumbled.

Andrea inhaled deeply, forcing a small yet tired smile onto her lips.

"I haven't heard from her much since she's been in Holmes Chapel with Harry for a few days." She started, realizing they had only spoken to each other through text. "She told me that her and Harry had sorted things out and that they were better now. So I'm assuming she's good."

Jess nodded solemly, looking down at the pile of discarded hair at her feet. Andrea watched with a pit in her stomach as Jess nibbled on her bottom lip.

"Andrea-" The redhead started. "If you ever need anything-"

"Thanks." The blonde interupted the girl. She knew what she was going to say. It was a line she heard every day of her life, whether it came from her friends, the One Direction boys, a stranger on the street or people on twitter. 'I'm here to help' or 'If there's anything I can do'

But when was there ever anything someone could do? Sure, she thought bitterly, if you have a cure to Cancer or a way to find me a new best friend than thank you!

Andrea smiled warmly at her friend, removing all traces of bitterness or hostility from her expression.

"Really, though." Andrea said, reminding herself a long time ago that she had come to terms with people's need to make things better, even if they really couldn't. "Thank you."

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