Chapter 21

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{Chapter 21}

Katie was awoken by the stream of sunlight that crossed through the blinds. It took her a few seconds to blink the sleep from her eyes and gather her mind. She glanced over at the alarm clock beside her bed that read 8:57am and her head hit the pillow once more.

“I think we should get up.” 

Katie’s eyes flew open in surprise as she turned around to find a sleeping Harry that lied beside her.

That was the moment she found her brain once more and took in his exposed body that lied in bed beside her. His eyes were shut and his face was gentle. His mop of curls fell into his eyes and fanned over her white pillow as he laid with his cheek pressed up against it.

She chuckled, realizing she was just as exposed as he was.

“Good morning, sleepy head.” She mumbled as she absently reached to him to brush the messy curls from his forehead. His eyes never opened at her touch but a gentle smile appeared on his lips.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

She was laying beside him, facing him now with a small smile on her lips. The memories from last night flooded in as her cheeks swelled with a crimson red as she thought about just what they had done.

“Today’s the day.” Harry muttered into his pillow. His voice was thick and husky with sleep and her skin shivered at the sound of it. Katie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion until she understood his words.

Today was the day.

“Oh God.” She exhaled, remembering that her bags were all packed up and ready to go. This had been the day she’d been dreading since the first day she had arrived at the beach house. A pit formed in her stomach at the thought.

“How about-” Harry mumbled, eyes still closed. He looked younger with his eyes closed, she realized. He looked peaceful and serence but nothing less than beautiful. “How about we just don’t get out of bed.” He smirked.

She couldn’t help her chuckle as she raised her eyebrows at the boy beside her. “Oh yeah?”

It was the first time his sea green eyes shot up and she was taken aback by the blazing look he held them with. A large smile stretched across his face as he swung his arm around her bare shoulder and pulled her into his chest.

“Yeah.” He mumbled as he pressed his lips to her hair. 

She didn’t wriggle out of his grasp as he held her. Instead she pressed herself as close to him as she could, pressing her ear to his bare chest and listening to the sound of his heart beat. The room was silent for a moment, and she wondered if Andrea was already downstairs with the boys, getting the suitcases ready? Or maybe they were all still in bed? 

“Harry?” Katie whispered into his chest after a moment of silence. She wondered if he had fallen asleep again. His breathing was shallow and soft.

“Mhmm?” He mumbled into her hair.

She took a minute to collect her words and take a deep breath.

“I don’t want to leave you.”

Harry remained quite for a minute, as he breathed in the scent of her Strawberry Vanilla shampoo. Her hair was soft against his face as he pressed his lips against the top of her head once more before answering her.

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