Chapter 29

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{Chapter 29}

"Do you have your hair straightener?" Andrea asked with her arms crossed, leaning against the hotel room wall as she asked sombrely. Once again, Katie ignored the blondes question and continued shoving things into her bag.

"What about your medication? Did you get all of it?" She asked. A part of her knew Katie wouldn't respond, but she needed to remind her anyway. She couldn't remember the last time Katie had given her the silent treatment.

Maybe it had been when they were both 14, and had a crush on the same guy. Andrea had gotten a Valentine card from him on Valentines day, and Katie hadn't. She had taken it pretty hard.

"Katie-" Andrea sighed. "You can't ignore me forever."

She watched as the brunette pushed the hair from her eyes as she leaned down to zip up her stuffed suitcase. Her jaw was locked and her eyebrows furrowed as she took one last glanced around the room.

Harry had offered to go and stay in Zayn's room last night, while Andrea thought it'd be best if she stayed with Katie for the night.

She was wrong.

No matter how many tears she cried, or how many times she had said she was sorry- Katie only sat silently on the bed, staring unfocused past Andrea in a daze.

She hadn't taken the news very well. After she had told Katie about her losing her job and then losing the apartment and how they'd have to return to collect their belongings, Katie turned to hysterics.

She had collapsed to her knees on the carpeted hallway of the hotel, sobbing into her hands. Her sobs echoed throughout the whole floor as she lied there, broken and unmoving. She cried until she was weak and exhausted, and when Harry had bent down to collect her in his arms, she had denied him once more.

"Zayn, could you-" Harry looked up at Zayn, his jaw set and his lips in a tight line. Andrea knew it was breaking him but he was trying to be strong as Zayn nodded knowingly and reached down to pick Katie up into his arms to carry her back into the room.

Now it was 11 am the next day and Paul had scheduled them a plane back to London for 5pm.

"Are you ready to go?" Andrea asked, Katie finished looking around the room, making sure she got everything. She ignored Harry's shirt that rested in a dirty pile on the floor or his things that rested on the bathroom counter, but Andrea noticed the way Katie's eyes sadly glazed over them before turning around and strolling past her towards the door, with her luggage in tow.

Andrea followed behind, letting the heavy room door close behind her as they stepped out into the hallway.

Just as she expected, a somber looking Zayn, Niall and Liam waited against the hallway wall, talking amongst themselves but looking up the second the girls walked towards them.

Andrea's heart broke at the smile Zayn tried to give her.

"Goodmorning, beautiful." He whispered into her ear the second she ran into his outstretched arms. She closed her eyes, begging herself not to cry.

Instead, she took in everything about him. The curve of his chest, the smell of him, the way his skin felt against hers. She wondered if her memory of this was enough to last her the next 2 month he'd be away.

Andrea pulled away from him, looking up to find his eyes sad but somewhat hopeful.

"I'm going to miss you, freaks." Niall tried to laugh, but the smile on his face didn't reach his eyes as he reached for Katie and pulled her into a hug. She hugged him back, telling him she was sorry but that it was for the best.

Niall and Liam both understood and for that, Andrea and Katie were both grateful.

When Katie had finished hugging Liam, she pulled away with furrowed eyebrows. "Where's Lou?"

Niall winced and Liam looked down at his shoes.

"Well-" Liam began but was immediately interrupted by a familiar voice yelling at her from the other end of the hallway.

"Katelyn Dessing and Andrea Rolland, you better have not just been about to leave without saying goodbye."

Andrea turned around with a small smile tugging on her lips as Lou approached them. He was wearing his ever famous jeans that cut off at the ankles and a pair of navy blue Toms.

He reached for Andrea, pulling her into a hug as she pressed her face into his chest. She hadn't realized how hard it would be to leave, not just Zayn, but the rest of the boys.

When she pulled away from Louis, he reached down into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a keychain with three dangling keys on it. Andrea realized that she almost forgotten as Louis smirked down at her and held them out.

"Couldn't forget these." He smiled. She reached up and grabbed them from him, putting them in her purse. She mentally reminded herself where they were when she'd need them. She couldn't imagine how much trouble they'd get in if she had misplaced the keys to Louis' and Harry's flat.

"So Paul's giving you the directions to get there once you land, right love?" Lou asked Andrea who nodded.

If Andrea could have looked back in her distant past and imagined what her life would be like now, she would have never guessed that she'd be standing in front of the majority of One Direction, saying goodbye to them as her and Katie returned to London to move into Lou's and Harry's apartment while they were on tour, due to the fact that Andrea had no money at all and had lost their apartment to the bank because of unpaid bills.

It was quite a mind boggler.

Last night at around 3 am, Louis had knocked quietly on the hotel room door. Since Andrea hadn't gotten any sleep, she stood up from the bed where Katie had cried herself to sleep, and answered the door.

He had told her that he wanted her and Katie to move into their flat while they were away. Zayn had offered, but his apartment was currently being renvoated and wouldn't do. Andrea had cried, tears of joy this time as she hugged Louis in the hotel hallway at 3 am, thanking him for saving their lives.

But she knew, that no Thank You would ever compare to the gratitude she felt for the boy.

"Hey Kat-y." Louis smiled sadly at the brunette who stood beside Andrea. Katie uncurled her arms from around her torso and reached out for Louis as he pulled her into a hug. Andrea wondered if Katie could stay mad at the rest of One Direction for as long as she threatened to stay mad at Harry.

"I'm sorry-" She heard Katie mumble into Lou's chest, but he stroked her hair soothingly, without saying a word. "But I'll see you guys when you get back, yeah?"

Louis nodded as he pulled away from her. All of them began walking down the hallway towards the elevator as both Andrea's and Katie's suitcase trailed silently behind them.

A knot formed in Andrea's stomach as she drummed her fingers against the handle of her suitcase as they all of them waited for the lift.

"Lou, where's-" Niall tried to whisper, but just then a familiar voice called out behind them as the elevator doors opened and everyone turned to watch the curly haired boy who walked down the hallway towards them.

"Oh-" Liam said as Andrea stared in surprise. She turned to find Katie, who remained frozen as the boy walked down the hall towards her.

Harry's eyes were staring at her as he began closing the space between them.

"Wait-" He spoke, his voice husky and raw. She wondered if he had just woken up. His hair was a mess and underneath his eyes hung dark circles.

Perhaps, she realized, he hadn't slept at all.

Before anyone could say anything, or Harry could get any closer, Katie grabbed her suitcase and ran into the elevator.

"Katie!" Harry spat as he stared at her with his mouth gaping open a bit. She frantically looked at Andrea, who's heart strained at the sight of her begging chocolate brown eyes.

"Andrea-" Katie hissed frantically. "Let's go. Now."

Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis looked between Harry and Katie, obvious to the fact that they didn't know what to do.

"Katie, just hear him out." Andrea begged, but the second she saw the desperation in Katie's eyes as they swelled with tears, Andrea knew what she had to do.

Harry was running towards them now as Andrea held the open door button the the elevator.

Liam and Niall stood in front of the elevator protectively as their best mate ran into them, his eyes on Katie.

Louis and Zayn had hopped into the elevator as Andrea let go of the open door button as Niall and Liam held Harry back from running into the elevator.

His eyes never left Katie's.

"Katie, please." He begged her, trying to forcefully shove Niall and Liam off of them as they held him back. "I need to talk to you, you need to listen-"

But Katie closed her eyes.

Andrea stood beside the brunette, almost feeling the sink of Katie's heart from her spot beside the girl.

After spending so much time with someone, their heartbreak kind of ends up feeling like your own, she had realized over the years.

Andrea exhaled sharply through her nose as the doors began to close. Her eyes never left Harry's as he begged her mentally to stop it. His expression screamed at her, telling her that he loved Katie, telling her not to take her away from him and that it wasn't his fault.

But not a word was spoken as Andrea nodded at the boy once more as he stared at her in defeated disbelief as the elevator doors finally closed on him.

Andrea was aware of the tear that fell from Katie's closed eye as she remained, utterly and completely frozen in spot beside the blonde.

No matter how much Katie hated her, or how long they would go ignoring each other or if Katie would ever forgive her,

It would never make up for the fact that Katie was still Andrea's best friend.

So the second Andrea reached down for Katie's hand that rested at her side, Katie's hand didn't hesitant when it curled around Andrea's as the elevator stuttered and began to descend.


When the elevator came to a thudded stop at the lobby level, the doors opened and Katie's hand unraveled from Andrea's as she walked through.

Louis and Zayn followed behind them. They didn't speak as Katie's Tom's clacked against the marble floor, past the reception desk and towards a row of couches where Paul sat with Preston and a few other members of the management team.

Katie brought her sleeve up to wipe under her eyes as she approached Paul, who looked up at her sadly.

"Hello, Katie." He gave he an apologetic smile before saying hello to Andrea. Saying goodbye to Paul, would be just as hard, she realized playfully.

"So Paul, you have the directions for the girls?" Louis asked from behind Katie. Paul nodded and reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out a folded piece of paper.

He held it out to Andrea, with careful eyes.

"These are the directions to the boys' apartment." He said seriously. "Some of their people have already gone over to clean it up for you, stock the fridge and fix it up nice." He gave them a crooked smile as he looked back to find Louis shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants and shrugging jokingly.

"Can't imagine you girl's would like living in the flat of this monkey and the other loon." Paul laughed.

Katie couldn't help her own laughter as she smiled up, thankful for Paul. He smiled down at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners as she pulled the big man into a hug.

She felt like a doll in his embrace, or like a little girl saying goodbye to her father before work. Maybe that was a nice thought, she wondered, considering she hadn't known the feeling in years.

He patted her gently on the back before she pulled away.

"Thanks for everything you've done for us Higginator." She chuckled. "You have no idea how much it means, and I'm hoping we'll see you soon?"

Paul nodded. "I've been told that the boys may have a week or two on break and we may return to London, so hopefully we'll see you soon."

Katie nodded sombrely as she turned back to Louis and Zayn, preparing to say the final goodbyes.

How had she gotten here? She wondered, somewhere at the back of her mind. What did she do to get herself so stuck? Homeless Homeless Homeless had been the single word racking her brain ever since Andrea had explained. Where had all the money gone? What could she have done to help?

Katie glanced over at Andrea, who was now standing in front of Zayn with a tearful expression on her face. Her heart sunk.

Of course, nothing made her feel worse than knowing that she was the reason that they were saying good bye. It was her fault that Andrea had to say goodbye to the boys she had grown so close with, including her own boyfriend.

Her guilt was nothing compared to the anchor that sat on her chest whenever she thought of her best friend keeping secrets.

There was no emotion, no words to properly describe the betrayal. Katie was used to being treated like some kind of esquist antique that could break at any moment but she had never expected it to come from her best friend.

She knew that leaving was the best option, and she wouldn't hang around a minute longer to talk herself out of it.

"I guess this is goodbye." Katie shrugged, with tears burning in the back of her eyes as she ran into Lou's outstretched arms once more. He chuckled into her hair and she frowned knowing it wasn't the time to laugh.

"What?" She mumbled into his chest.

"It's not goodbye, babe." She could feel him smirking into her hair. "It's always-"

"See you later." She choked as a tear trailed down her cheek. He pulled away from her, keeping her at arms length.

She couldn't help her smile that stretched across his face as he smiled back at her.

She turned to find Andrea, finishing up her goodbye to Zayn and reaching for her suitcase. Paul stood towards the hotel doors now, and through the glass window Katie could see the car he had waiting outside for them, ready to take them to the airport.

She didn't know why she did it, but she looked around the lobby anyway. She scanned the room with hopeful eyes, before she even realized what she was looking for.

Her heart dropped further into her stomach, whether it was because she realized what she was doing or rather because she hadn't found the curly mop of hair and green eyes that was had been looking for.

She sighed, a wince coming to her face.

She grabbed onto the handle of her suitcase and gave a final wave to the boys before heading towards the door to a waiting Paul.

"You girls ready?" He asked.

Katie took a deep breath, if she had been told a year ago that on this day she would find herself leaving her boyfriend Harry Styles and the rest of One Direction behind on tour, she would have considered it crazy.

"Yeah." She mumbled, not bothering to cast a glance Andrea's way as the blonde bit her inside cheek to keep her from crying. Paul nodded and pushed open the door, ushering the two girls outside.


Katie's head spun around in search for the familiar voice that screamed her name from across the fancy lobby.

Andrea stopped in her tracks as well, as everyone turned to stare at the person running full force towards them.

Her eyes were big, her cheeks red as she approached them.

"Katie, wait!" She called. Katie mentally debated whether or not she should turn around and keep walking, but something inside of her made her freeze in her spot and give the girl a chance.

When she finally approached Katie, she bent down and placed her hands on her knees as she huffed.

"You have no idea how goddamned hard it is trying to run down 20 flights of stairs." She huffed. Katie didn't smirk as the blonde finally lifted her head and her deep hazel eyes peirced into Katie's as Ashley huffed her next words.

"Well, I need to talk to you."

Katie's stomach clenched as she looked at the blonde. She knew right away what Ashley wanted from her, perhaps a little chat about how Harry had sent her down to plead her into staying?

Katie sighed, and began turning away from the blonde. "I don't want to know what Harry has to say-"

But before Katie could get through the door that Paul held open for her, Ashley grabbed her arm and yanked her back towards her.

Katie's eyes flew wide open in shock as she looked up at Ashley, who now stood in front of her with a sheepish grin on her face.

"Sorry-" She mumbled, biting her bottom lip. "-I just really need to talk to you."

Something inside Katie burned to life as she dropped the handle of the suitcase and followed the blonde as she ushered her over to a more private corner of the lobby where they could speak in secret.

Katie's arms crossed over her chest. "Listen, I don't know you really well but I don't want to have to stand here and listen to you tell me what Harry has-"

"Harry didn't tell me to say anything." She said suddenly, cutting Katie off in mid sentence.

Something in Katie's chest tugged at the blondes' words unexpectabley as she considered them. Was it a pinch of disappointment? Katie didn't speak as Ashley continued.

"Harry didn't tell me to come down and talk to you. I decided to do that all on my own."

Katie tried to keep up her tough girl persona, but she was still infinitely confused as to why Ashley was still standing in front of her, without word from Harry.

"So you're going to tell me how bad of a person I am for walking out on your best friend blah blah blah-" Katie rolled her eyes.

To Katie's surprise, Ashley chuckled.

"Oh God no." She laughed, looking the brunette in the eyes. "I'm proud of you. At least you're not like that Emma girl. Hell, her and Haz used to fight all the time but she clung to him like glue. Kind of pathetic if you ask me."

Katie stared wide eyed at the blonde. What was she here to tell her? To Katie's displeasure, she found it extremely difficult to dislike the girl.

As Katie stared at Ashley, she noticed as the humor and smile seemed to dissapear from her face. To Katie's surprise, it was replaced with a look of guilt and pity.

"He didn't get any sleep last night, you know." She spoke more quietly after a moment of hesitation. Katie's eyes looked back up to Ashley's hazel ones and saw an unfamiliar look of sadness. "He was going over words to say to you, preparing for what he would tell you today. That's what he stayed up doing all night."

Katie's heart, that was already somewhere near her stomach, dropped another hundred feet until she felt hollow inside.

Her stomach churned at the thought of a tired looking Harry, drumming his leg restlessly against the floor as he sat on the end of the bed, thinking of the perfect words to say that could keep her from leaving.

"Listen, Katie." Ashley said, shaking Katie from her revery. The blonde spoke bolder now, capturing Katie's attention as her hazel eyes searched her own doe brown ones. "I'm not here to tell you to go back up there and talk to him. Hell, stay mad at him for as long as you want. Get on that plane and hate him from London. I'm here to tell you that no matter what mean words you shout at him, or how much you tell him you hate him, he'll always be the first boy there when you call for help."

She continued, with somewhat pleading eyes as Katie swallowed painfully as she listened. "He'll be the one at your doorway at 4 in the morning, when you're crying on the other side of the door. He'll be the one holding your hand while you get needles or there to reassure you that you're beautiful when someone says that they don't like your new hair style-"

Katie could feel tears burn at the back of her eyes as she listened intently to Ashley's words.

"-He's not going to stop loving you. Not when you walk out those doors or jump onto that plane. He's never going to be sorry for taking you on tour or even agreeing to stay with you for a month in that beach house." She chuckled. "Harry's in love with you Katie, and with you- well I've never seen him happier. I've never seen him so Harry."

Katie couldn't seem to swallow the lump that had risen in her throat as she opened her mouth to speak. No words would come out, no matter how desperately she wanted them to.


Ashley and Katie both turned around to find Paul, Andrea, Zayn and Louis staring at them from the door. Paul pointed impatiently at his wrist watch and raised his eyebrows at her.

"Come on, Katie. It's time for you to go." He yelled over to her.

Katie nodded, somewhat dazed as her feet seemed to drag her back over absently towards the front doors. She didn't bother saying a word to Ashley, considering the shock and numbness she suddenly felt.

Katie followed Andrea out and pushed through the door and walked towards the van that waited for her, she sat down in the car and pressed her forehead up against the cool window.

For once in the day, it was something she could actually feel.

She glanced back through the window of the door to find everyone waving solemnly at her. She glanced at Ashley, who stared at her from the other side of the glass with a small smiling tugging on her lips.

Even though Katie had pretended to not hear her when she had been walking out, she caught every word Ashley had whispered from behind her,

"He loves you and you love him too. Remember that."

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