Chapter 9

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{Chapter 9}

"So you left when you were 16?" Liam scrunched his eyebrows together. Katie grabbed another chip from the bag that rested on her stomach as she leaned back into the couch lazily.

"Yup." She mumbled with her mouth full.

Zayn was draped over the leather chair beside the couch and Louis was sitting on the floor in front of them. They had been watching the newest episode of 'Britain's Got Talent' when they burst into conversation about Katie's past.

"Why'd you leave though?" Zayn asked, grabbing the bag of chips off of Katie's chest before she could protest.

"Hey!" She whined. There was a fine layer of crumbs that covered her chest but she didn't care.

She thought about the question for a moment, knowing there was a huge chunk of the truth she had to leave out. "Andrea and I just wanted to leave Canada. See the world, you know?"

In front of her on the floor, Lou laughed.

"And you got as far as London? Unfortunate, really." He joked.

Katie chuckled too, licking the salt from her fingers before shaking her white blouse from the crumbs. "Yeah, I don't know. I've always wanted to live in London though."

"Because you saw us on the X Factor though, right?" Zayn smirked, shoving more chips into his mouth. Katie laughed and reached over to hit the boy playfully on the shoulder.

"I was 16." She laughed. "Maybe it made a bit of a difference but like I said, I've always wanted to live in London."

Just then Harry shuffled into the living, draping himself over the chair across the room from them.

"What ya' talking about?" He asked. Katie ignored his question and looked away as Emma made her way into the room and took a seat on Harry's lap.

Would it kill him to wear a shirt? Katie thought angrily in her head.And had he ever heard of a haircut?

Katie sank back further into the couch as Emma began whispering things in Harry's ear which only made him smirk.

She refused to look at him, Katie thought. But when her eyes guiltily flashed to his, she realized he was looking right back at her.

"Nothing, mate." Zayn muttered, finishing off the crumbs in the bag. "We need to figure out what we're doing tonight."

Katie looked over at Emma who bit her lip thoughtfully. She hadn't spoken a word to the blonde since their awkward introduction in the kitchen the other day. Katie watched awkwardly as Harry's big hands ran up Emma's thigh's as he answered Zayn.

"Let's just go to the club tonight." Harry said. "I want to get drunk."

No one protested. A few minutes later Andrea sauntered into the room.

"Where have you been babes?" Zayn asked, a smile stretching across his face at Andrea's presence and Katie couldn't help but smirk at her best friend.

How lucky, Katie thought jealously, to have someone who's eyes light up just because you've entered a room.

"I had to take a call." Andrea mumbled.

Immediately Katie could tell that it was something she didn't want anyone asking about. Was it a call from the doctor? Had something happened? Katie furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity as her friend's blue, careful eyes met hers.

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