Chapter 2

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{Chapter 2}

Andrea woke up to find her best friend searching the cupboards in the kitchen in anger.

"Do we seriously have no food in this house?" She muttered, slamming the cupboard doors agrivatedly. Today was the day they were supposed to move into the beach house, and she hadn't even told Katie yet.

Andrea dragged her feet againest the hardwood and walked to the stool at the kitchen counter and took a seat. Katie turned around to look at Andrea.

"Did you get paid thursday?" She asked. Andrea usually got paid on thursdays and Katie used to get paid on Mondays. Ever since Katie had taken a leave from her job at the local Bank, they had been tight for money.

Every month, Andrea's brother would send her a bunch of money to help out the girls. That was the perk in having a brother in the Movie Business. He was loaded.

Out of all her family members, she only kept in touch with her brother. She hadn't talked to her parents in years, after she walked out on them when she and Katie had left for London.

Katie usually reminded her of how lucky she was to at least keep in touch with her brother. Katie had completely cut off all her ties to her family who lived back in Canada.

Andrea remembered what she had told her mother the day they left.

"Don't follow me, don't expect me to come back. If I'm dying, I want to see everything I can before I go."

"Andrea!" Katie called, pulling the girl from her revery. Andrea turned to look at Katie who stared at her impatiently. "You never answered my question."

Andrea laughed. "Don't worry. We're not going to need food in this house for awhile..."

Andrea watched as Katie processed what she said and her eyebrows scrunched together in curiousity.

"What do you mean?"

Andrea smiled, she didn't know how she was going to break it to her. She had just met the boys yesterday and she could already tell how reckless and adventurous the next 3 weeks would be.

It was a mutual decision made between Andrea and Marissa to not tell the boys that the Charity and 'contest' was due to the fact that Katie had terminal cancer.

Andrea deemed that it was the best option and she refused to tell Katie that the reason she was going to be spending the next 3 weeks with One Direction was because of her sickness.

"I got a call last night when you were asleep and I forgot to tell you." Andrea smirked. She knew Katie had no concept of what she was about to say. Katie watched her friend curiously. "It was this lady from this website that told us that we won a prize by entering a contest online."

Katie's mouth turned into a scowl. "I never entered in any contest..."

Andrea shrugged. "I did."

Katie's mouth fell open. "And we won?!"

Andrea laughed as Katie ran around the counter to stand in front of her, grabbing her shoulders roughly and shaking the blonde who couldn't help her laughter. Katie was already excited and she didn't even know what she had won.

"Well, what was the contest for?" Her eyes shined. "Did we win a new fridge? Or a trip to Hong Kong or something?"

Andrea's laughter bubbled uncontrollably at the happiness that burst from her best friend.

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