Chapter 35

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{Chapter 35}


The elevator sounded as the doors opened and Katie walked into the apartment. Her bare feet padded along the hardwood as she dropped her stilettos she held in her hand where the rest of the shoes were.

It was nearly 10 am, and she assumed Andrea had already gone to work.

Jordan had dropped Katie off at her apartment right before he had an important meeting to go to. He had been quite the gentlemen last night, even though Katie was convinced she didn't deserve his hospitality.

He had let her sleep in his room, while he slept on the couch and when she had awoken, there had been a nice plate of eggs and bacon waiting for her.

"Katie?" She heard a groggy voice ask.

Katie walked into the living room to find a tired looking Ashley sprawled out on the couch, hidden under a pile of blankets. Her blonde hair spread out across the pillow under her head as she squinted her tired, makeup-less eyes in the brunettes direction.

"Morning, Ash." Katie chuckled, dropping her purse on the counter.

Ashley huffed, and closed her eyes again. "You had to come in at 6 am, didn't you?"

Katie laughed and took a seat at the breakfast bar as she smiled at the sleeping blonde.

"Ash, it's quarter after ten."

At this, Ashley's eyes opened and looked towards the clock that hung on the far wall. "Well, fuck me." Ashley mumbled and pushed the blankets off of her.

Katie hopped down from the breakfast bar and walked towards the fridge, grabbing the OJ and pulling herself out a glass.

"Want some?" She asked, turning to look at Ashley who dragged her feet along the hardwood as she walked to the breakfast bar. Katie chuckled at the blonde's appearance. Her hair was a mess and she was wearing nothing but a big baggy t-shirt and shorts.

"Hell, yes." The blonde replied as she took a seat and Katie poured her a glass.

Katie walked the juice over to Ashley and placed it in front of the tired blonde.

Ashley's eyes opened wider as she first noticed Katie's disheveled appearance and last-night's attire. The blonde raised her eyebrow and just as Katie was about to explain herself, a husky voice yelled from the hallway.

"Ash, have you taken my fucking razor again?"

Both girl's looked towards the hallway as a freshly-showered Harry Styles sauntered into the room with nothing but a white towel wrapped around his waist.

Katie's eyes flickered from the boy's undeniable v-lines to his green eyes that opened wide the moment he realized Ashley wasn't alone.

"Katie-" He said breathlessly as he stared at her. His eyes were full of something Katie couldn't comprehend and just like a flick of the switch, that expression was conceald by a cold, uncaring look on his face as his eyes tore away from her.

He regained himself, as Katie tried to aswell. She dipped her head and looked down at her toes, anything to get her eyes away from the sight before her.

"As I was saying," Harry said, clearing his throat. "Ash did you take my razor?"

Ashley rolled her eyes at her best friend. "No, I didn't take it. Did you check the side pocket of your bag?"

Harry shook his head, beads of water trailed down his neck and collarbone as he stood on the hardwood soaking wet.

Katie eyed the damp floor beneath his feet and winced.

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