Chapter 18

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{Chapter 18}

Harry sighed and finished off the rest of his beer before dropping it back down onto the bar. He wondered briefly what time it was, before pulling his iPhone out of his pocket and checking.


He sighed and shoved his phone back into his pocket, frustrated that they had only accomplished two dares.

The girl's list for them was a hard one.

do a twitcam dressed as women

get a guy's number at the bar

tell the fans that Larry Stylinson is real

ask for a shot of Absinthe at the bar

choreograph a dance to 'Call me Maybe'

Do a strip tease

Ask a stranger for a dare, do whatever dare they tell you to do.

Call Nathan Sykes from The Wanted and tell him he looks like he wears a wig

Run down the beach naked

Tell a stranger they're beautiful

The list they had made for the girl's was relatively easy. Some of their dares had been creative and it would be intertesting to see how the girls made out with the list.

Well they had to be beating the boys, Harry thought as he turned back to Louis who held the list in front of the face. Zayn, Lou, Liam and Harry leaned against the bar while the sorted themselves out. 

"Have you seen the girl's?" Zayn leaned over to whispered to Harry, which he replied with a shrug. The last time he'd seen them was when they were walking in.

"Hey guys!" Niall shouted suddenly. Harry turned and watched the irish boy push through the crowd to make his way to them, with a large smile stretched across his face. Harry was surprised to find a petite brunette with big green eyes and a smile as big as Niall's attached to his hand. 

The boys all furrowed their eyebrows in curiousity as the two finally reached the bar.

"Lads, I checked off another one of the dares!" He smiled. Harry was still wondering about the girl who stood, glued to his side. She was pretty and seemed adorable.

"And which one is that, Niall?" Liam asked, cocking his eyebrow.

A bigger smile stretched across Niall's face as his eyes lit up with excitement. "This is Ali! She's the girl I told was beautiful!"

The boys all chuckled and said Hi to Ali, who smiled back and gave a small wave. The girl seemed flustered as the flush rose to her cheeks and she hid behind her bangs. Niall turned to smile at her and his eyes glowed.

"Okay, well lovely." Louis gave a tight smile as he took a pen out of his back pocket. "That means we have a total of 3 dares completed!"

Liam and Zayn groaned beside Harry, knowing that they were most-likely losing.

They had already crossed off the 'Absinthe dare' which had made all the boys nearly die but now their heads all buzzed and their vision was blurred. The shot of alcohol was too strong. Another dare they had crossed off was the 'Ask a stranger for a dare' dare. 

Harry had gone up to a group of people who had been standing in the middle of the dance floor and asked a blonde girl if she could give him a dare. He thought it was kind of stupid on his part, because what else would a girl dare him if she had the ability to make Harry Styles do anything?

He was surprised she didn't ask him to sleep with her.

But all she wanted was a small dance, and he was okay with that. She wasn't exactly pretty. She had pretty green eyes, but she was very squinty and had a larger nose. She was a sloppy drunk too, which was immediately a turn off.

They hadn't danced for long, but he pulled away from her and thanked her before returning to the boys and crossing the dare off the list.

Lifeline (Harry Styles Fan Fiction) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें