Chapter 37

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{Chapter 37}

“Harry has told me a lot about you, Katie.” Anne smiled gently from across the table. Katie’s cheeks flushed as she looked beside her to Harry who looked down at his plate of half-eaten food in defeat.

“Oh has he?” Katie chuckled, trying to rub it in to Harry’s embarrassment. Harry laughed and shook his hair out of his eyes.

“Oh yes, all wonderful things.” Anne smiled, looking at her son with happiness in her eyes.  ”Ashley has, as well.”

Katie’s smile never faltered. 

They had just finished up a wonderful lunch that Anne had prepared. Even though Katie was nervous about eating, due to her unreliable stomach, she indulged anyway. It was too delicious to say no to.

“Harry, dear. Why don’t you take Katie’s bags upstairs for her, and show her where she’ll be staying.” Anne said gently as Katie and Harry both excused themselves from the table and took their plates to the sink.

“You’re mom is wonderful, Harry.” Katie smiled as she followed the boy out of the kitchen and up the small set of stairs. He chuckled as they reached the second floor.

The house was small, but quaint and adorable. Upstairs, there were only 4 doors, 3 which lead into bedrooms and one bathroom.

“This is my room.” Harry said as he turned the knob into one of the doors. Harry opened the door to a quaint looking bedroom, with chocolate brown walls and old posters hung up. In picture frames, there were pictures of him as a child with his friends. It was a typical teenage boy’s room, everything left untouched from when he had left when he was 16.

“I love it.” She smiled gently, feeling a heavy weight placed on her chest suddenly. Katie’s eyes were heavy as Harry dropped the luggage to the ground beside his bed.

“Harry?” She asked softly, licking her dry lips as he turned to her with raised eyebrows. “Would I be able to sleep for a bit?” She asked sheepishly.

Her face flushed a gentle crimson as a moment of concern washed over his face.

“Of course, love.” He said gently, gesturing to his bed. “You can sleep here for now if you want, you’ll be sleeping in Gemma’s room later.”

Katie kicked off her shoes, suddenly feeling too tired and weak to change into anything else before she climbed onto the boy’s bed.

“If you need anything, I’ll be right downstairs.” He said gently, giving her a quick peck on the forehead before closing the door behind him.

As the door shut behind the boy, Katie found herself laying on his bed and staring up at the ceiling. She let her mind wander as she took in everything she hadn’t found the time to absorb yet.

Katie Dessing was currently lying in Harry Styles’ childhood bed in Holmes Chapel. The pillow she rested her head on smelt faintly of him, and a part of her wondered when the last time he had slept here was.

She glanced around the room, taking in the Playboy poster hung on the back of his door, and the black and white photos that sat in picture frames on the night stand beside his bed.

She smiled faintly at the picture of Harry back in the day, with his hair looking rather straight. She laughed, and recognized the blonde haired girl who smiled beside him in the picture. There was also another picture of Harry and Ashley, somewhere in the woods with a peaceful looking lake in the background. 

She smiled, admiring the sight of the prepubescent Harry Styles’ who looked happier than ever. She wondered what he had been like, that 14 year old version of himself.

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