Chapter 33

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{Chapter 33}

No matter how many days or sleepless nights Katie spent in the hospital, she would never get used to the smell of the antibacterial soap and the too clean smell that burnt her nose.

She felt herself, dawning back into consciousness as the sound of the heart monitor beeped reassuringly somewhere beside her. Without needing to open her eyes, she knew where she was and she knew what to expect.

Her fingers twitched at her sides, feeling the IV that trailed up her arm and pierced her skin.


Katie's heavy eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the bright florescent lights of the hospital room. Just as she had expected, a frantic and tired looking Andrea sat in the chair beside her, leaning forward towards the bed.

Katie watched as the blonde sighed in relief. "Oh good, you're awake."

"What happened?" Katie croaked. Her throat was painfully dry, feeling as though she hadn't spoken for days.

Andrea sighed, blowing a piece of stray hair from out of her eyes as she leaned down onto the mattress with her elbows. "You had some kind of panic attack and just blacked out."

Katie blinked at the blonde. "Wait, so how long have I been in here?"

Andrea glanced down at the clock on her iPhone. She furrowed her eyebrows before looking back up at the brunette.

"Well, it's currently 6 o'clock in the afternoon now, and they brought you in last night around the same time so…" Andrea thought. "Probably 24 hours."

Katie groaned, lifting her head a bit from the pillow to properly sit up. The second she moved her neck, a wave of dizziness hit her.

"I wouldn't do that." A familiar, gruffy voice came from the doorway.

"Dr. Andrews, when can I go home?" Katie asked, annoyed. She rubbed at her forehead with the palm of her hand in aggravation.

"Well." The doctor began, walking towards her and examining the clipboard he held in his hands. "We had to increase the strength of your medication. You've been in and out of consciousness for the past 24 hours due to the heavy medication we had to inject into your system."

Katie's nose scrunched up in confusion as she glanced up into the dull grey eyes of her doctor. "Why?"

He pushed his glasses up his nose as he answered her. "Well, you see, we had to take a decent amount of blood for testing. We need to determine your cell count."

Katie nodded, barely even bothering to listen to what Dr. Andrews had to say. All she wanted to do was go home and get into her bed. The memories flooded back into her mind as she remembered the screaming girls, the pitiful glances her way and she could only imagine how the rest of the world was reacting to the news.

"I'll call you when we get the test results, but you're free to go now." Dr. Andrews smiled at her and patted her knee that was under the blankets. "Have a good day, dear."

Just as Mr. Andrews was about to leave, and Andrea stood up from her seat beside the bed, the older man turned back around and gave Katie half of a smile.

"Oh, and you have a visitor. He's been here all night." Dr. A smiled warmly, before winking at a blushing Katie in the bed and leaving the two girls alone.

Before she could even comprehend the man's words, her heart began beating frantically. He throat went dry and her fingers gripped tightly to the blankets that surrounded her.

Katie's wide eyes darted to Andrea, who didn't even glance her way before grabbing her jacket off of the back of the chair.

Katie's mind hazed, in the distant recollection of the last time she had been wrapped up in a hospital bed with an IV in her arm. She remembered sleepy green eyes and a head of chocolate brown curls and Niall's familiar voice.

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