Chapter 3

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{Chapter 3}

The iron gates opened slowly as the car pulled into the endless driveway that was surrounded by trees.

The property already looked more elegant than the boys expected and another wave of excitement and nerves bubbled in their stomachs.

The driveway stretched on for what seemed like miles until Paul pulled the car up to a turn in the road which lead to the house. Through the open windows of the van, they could already hear the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

The house was beautiful. It was a distinct, homey, beige colour with white trim that outlined the huge windows that took up the majority of the front of the house. It had to be at least 3 stories, Harry thought as he stared out the window. The van pulled up and parked in the stone driveway.

"Wow." Niall breathed. Paul jumped out of the driver seat and Liam was the first to open the door and jump out. When all the boys piled out of the van, Harry took a deep breath of the ocean-air.

"It's beautiful." Liam smiled, grabbing his suitcase from Paul.

"You boys better behave this week." Paul smirked as he finished unloading the back of the van.

Harry walked over and grabbed his black suitcase. He hadn't packed much. He was already convinced he'd spend the majority of his time in his swim suit. Or birthday suit, either one.

"Just be the respectful, courteous boys I know you are." Paul said, the boys all turned to look at him before bursting out in laughter. Paul knew the boys too well. Being on tour with 5 hormonal, mischievous teenage boys, it was a hard job but Paul did it well.

"So we won't be seeing you until next month sometime?" Liam asked, slapping Paul playfully on the shoulder.

"If you need me at all, call me." He said sternly, pointing a finger at Liam. "Don't get yourselves into much trouble, please?"

The boys laughed and said goodbye to Paul as Marissa stepped out of the front doors. She was looking a lot less- professional, wearing only a baby blue blouse and a pair of capris.

"Hello boys!" She smiled. "I see you've finally made it!"

The boys grabbed their suitcases and climbed the two stone steps to the front door where Marissa stood.

"This house is beautiful." Liam smiled at her politely. Marissa returned the smile and gestured for them to come inside.

Piling through the front door, the first thing that they noticed was the back wall that was completely covered in a very large window. This must have been the living room, Harry assumed. It connected with the very large kitchen. The floors were stone tile and there were leather chairs and sofas facing a very large stone fireplace.

The sound of laughter came from one of the hallways as Harry turned his head and watched two girls giggling together as they walked into the living room.

Andrea was the first girl he noticed, and she was the first to notice the boys. A smile played on her lips. Beside Andrea, was a brunette and from what he could tell, she was just as hot as Andrea.

"Oh!" The brunette said as she looked up to find that they weren't alone. Her chocolate brown eyes travelled over all the boys and finally landed on Harry.

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