Chapter 34

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{Chapter 34}

"And one Strawberry Milkshake please." Katie grinned up at the waitress, who jotted it down happily before taking their menus and turning to the kitchen.

Katie glanced back over to find Harry, watching her from the other side of the table. Under the dim, flickering lights of the Diner, Harry's eyes were a deep forest green as they searched her face.

"What?" She chuckled, but the moment before he could answer her, his eyes dropped to the table top and his smile faltered. Katie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as Harry mumbled a reply.

"Nothing." He spoke queitly.

Katie nodded shyly, her eyes dropping to her hands that rested in her lap.

The restaurant was quite, just like it was at Angel's. She had never realized that such a home-y, authentic, 50's diner was in downtown London. 

"So-" Katie began, playing with the hem of her dress as she tried to break the awkward silence that had fallen upon them. "-How's the rest of the tour been?"

Before Harry could answer her, the waitress returned with a tray full of their drinks. Harry had ordered a Coke, where as the waitress placed the Milkshake down in front of Katie as the brunette eyed it in satisfaction.

"The tour has been good." Harry said, as the waitress walked away and Katie nearly dived into her milkshake. She didn't know what it was, but the pink creamy-goodness was something that she could drink forever.

"But let's not talk about the tour." Harry said bluntly, causing Katie to look up at him from her pink drink in front of her. His eyes were stern as he folded his hands together on the table. "Let's talk about you. How have you been? And Andrea?"

"Fine." Katie sighed, folding her hands onto of the table to match Harry. "She got a new job."

Harry nodded, allowing for another silence to fill the air.

There was something off about the way they sat together at the table in an old diner. With Harry, there had always been some kind of comfort in the silence that surrounded them at times but this time it felt as though a heavy weight was placed upon both their shoulders.

Harry glanced down at his glass of Coke, wiping the condensation away with his thumbs as Katie stared down at her hands.

"So-" She began, feeling a familiar knot twisting in her stomach as she realized what she was about to dive into. "-Is it always going to be like this from now on?"

At her words, Harry looked up at her in surprise. 

"What do you mean?" He asked slowly, furrowing his eyebrows gently.

She knew he knew what she meant. Hell, who didn't understand what she was talking about? The silence that clung to the air wasunnatural. The awkward-ness between the two wasn't right.

Katie rolled her eyes. "This." She sighed. "Are we ever not going to be like we're walking on egg shells around each other?"

Before Harry could interject, Katie continued.

"You've been in London for less than 12 hours and I can already feel the difference in you, and I don't like it." She mumbled, looking anywhere but Harry's big green orbs that stared at her in confusion. 

"I'm different?" 

Katie's eyes shot up to Harry's at the sound of his voice. It wasn't what she had expected. Maybe confusion, or heartbreak but neverhumour.

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