Chapter 11

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{Chapter 11}

Lifeline by ohkd

Katie woke up to a familiar, consistent beep that echoed through the brightly lit room.

Her eyes were heavy as she forced them open, her mouth was dry and her body was sore. The smell of antibacterial soap and that too clean smell was the first thing that gave it away.

She knew where she was, and suddenly the rush of her memory poured back into her mind as her eyes opened and focused on the concerned blue eyes that stared back at her.

"Kat?" Andrea asked. Katie almost smirked when she saw that Andrea was biting nervously on the nail of her pinky finger.

How many times had she awoken in this goddamned bed and been in this same goddamned situation?

It was too deja-vu for the 18 year old as she leaned back into her uncomfortable hospital-pillow and sighed. "Yes."

A wave over relief overwhelmed Andrea as she leaned into the side of Katie's bed.

"My head hurts." The brunette whispered hoarsely. She raised a hand to rub her forehead and found the IV tangled around her arm.

She groaned in frustration.

"Yeah, you'll probably feel like shit for awhile." Andrea frowned. Katie's eyes opened and took a long hard look around the room. "You've been in and out of consciousness for two days."

"Two days?" Katie practically yelled in disbelief.

Just then a familiar looking Dr. Andrews marched through the door with his trusted clipboard in his hand.

"Yes, two days." The older man said, pushing his glasses further up his nose before shuffling through the papers on his clipboard.

"You had to be heavily sedated, we had to prescribe you more medication. Without the treatment, we needed to do a full MRI scan to be sure that you had not developed any infections or anything."

Katie sighed. "So when can I get out of here?" She muttered.

Dr. Andrews peered over his glasses at the brunette who slumped in the bed.

"Soon, Katie." He said with a gentle smile on his face. "I'll get you you're new prescription and you can go."

Katie nodded as the doctor turned and left the room.

"They said that you just had a bad dizzy spell." Andrea mumbled, anxiously. "And then they brought you here and they had to hook you up to all the machines, and then we overheard the doctors say something about brain damage or bleeding in the brain and I didn't know- I didn't know what-"

Tears formed in the blonde's eyes as she tumbled over her words. Katie reached out and pulled the girl into an awkward hug, but Andrea accepted.

She leaned her head against Katie's chest as she patted her back soothingly.

"Just a bump in the road." Katie mumbled into the blondes hair, who shook beneath her. When Katie spoke the hopeful words, an anchor hung on her heart and dragged it down into her stomach.

Katie knew the truth, the reality of it.

She knew the gut-wrenching feeling of throwing up blood, she knew that sometimes she couldn't walk straight because of her dizziness.

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