Chapter 19

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{Chapter 19}

Katie woke up on Friday morning to an annoying buzzing coming from her bedside table. The morning light shined through her bedroom blinds as she squinted and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

She threw her hand onto the table to grab her phone, peering at it to find a new message popped up on the home screen.

Jordan: Hey, love. How are you? xx

Katie groaned and threw her head back into her pillow. 

"Why are you texting me at 6 am, lunatic." She mumbled to herself as she closed her eyes and tried to fall back asleep.

"Maybe because it's not 6 am, you nut."

Katie's eyes shot open and towards the guy leaning against her bedroom wall at the corner of the room. Louis had a smirk stretched across his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Katie groaned and closed her eyes again, not even bothering to look at her alarm clock. It most definitely felt like 6 am.

She heard Louis chuckle at her annoyance and his Toms trek across her hardwood floor and towards her bed. The bed sank under him as he sat down and grabbed at her toes under the covers.

"Get up, sleepy head." He chuckled. "It's almost 10 and it's our last day here so get up!"

Katie slapped her forehead with her hand, she had completely forgot that tomorrow they were packing up and leaving the beach house.

Wow, had 3 weeks really flown by.

"I haven't even started packing." She groaned, thinking about all the clothes she had sprawled out across her bedroom and all her personal belongings that were strewn all over the house. 

"Fuck packing." Louis said. "It's our last day, we have to do something amazing. No more lame-ass 'Dare Night' or anything like that." He scowled. "We're not in the fourth grade."

Katie laughed and sat upright in bed. Her head spun and her stomach sat uneasily. She knew it wasn't from the booze from the previous night, but instead, the Cancer.

She gave Louis a condescending smile. "You're only pissed because you lost."

Lou scowled again and shook his head at her. She smiled back at him and a small smile formed on his lips. They sat there for a moment, just looking at each other, somewhat appreciating the moment.

"I'm gonna miss you Lou." Katie said gently, leaning back on her hands. She watched as a second of sadness passed over his face but he covered it up with a crooked smile as he grabbed at her toes under the covers.

She giggled and tried to pull away from him, but he continued to tickle her toes.

"Lou! Stop!" She gasped for breathe between her laughs. Finally he let her free as she collapsed backwards into her pillow and tried to catch her breath.

An endless smile was stretched across Louis' face as his eyes shined. 

"I'm going to miss you too, Katty."

Katie sat there and flashed Louis a genuine, terribly heartbreaking smile as he patted her leg comfortingly.

In her lifetime, she hadn't really known anything other than what true friendship really meant. Andrea had stuck with her through thick and thin, through bad and good and she would continue sticking around through life and death. Katie had known every form of the word friendship, which some people never really have the chance to understand.

She was blessed. Blessed that she had friend's that were there with her throughout everything and maybe that's why it would be so goddamned hard to say goodbye to the boys.

Katie didn't know a world of saying goodbye. She didn't know how to. 

She never had to chance to say goodbye to her mother, she never even thought about a proper goodbye to her father. Andrea had always stuck around and it was the most important people in her life that never seemed to leave.

How was she supposed to say goodbye now? How was she supposed to walk out of the beach house with her bags packed and leave behind 5 boys she could call her brothers?

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