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Chapter 1

{Maddie's POV}

"One ticket please." I said to the ticket lady.

She handed me the trolley ticket and I stuffed it in my pocket. I grabbed both of my suitcases which were extreamely packed with clothes and money. I boarded the trolley and took my seat. I looked out at the bustling city street filled with nicely dressed men and women. London was very different from where I'm from which made me miss my parents even more.

A few weeks ago I received a letter in the mail saying a family in London was housing an exchange student. I've always wanted to travel to London and this was the perfect opportunity. I knew I would miss my family but my mom said I should go for it, and I'd only be gone for a year. My younger cousin Maya was also going and she was going to meet me there.

The trolley came to a stop. I thanked the driver and hopped off. I looked up at the tall apartment building towering over me. I rummaged through my pocket and pulled out a wrinkled up piece of paper and re-read the address writen on it. "Yep this is it." I said to myself. I took a deep breath and walked towards the apartment. I walked into the hallway and went up 2 flights of stairs. The building was georgous and it was super clean. I reached the second floor and went up to the door. I took the key they mailed me and let myself in. They were all gone on vacation and said I could wait for them.

The apartment was quite huge. It only had one bedroom but a large living room with 2 couches that unfolded into a bed. There were 2 comfy chairs, a desk and a gigantic flat screen. The kitchen and the living room were separated by carpet and wood floor. It was a walk it kitchen. "Wow this is the best apartment room I've ever seen!" I said out loud. I put my bags down and sat on the couch. I looked out the window and realized there was a deck. The place really did have everything.

I took out my phone and texted my mom and told her about the apartment. Then I heard a knock at the door. "It's Maya!" I heard from the otherside. I opened it and there she was. She put her arms in the air for a hug.
"MADDIE! WE ARE IN LONDON! Can you believe it?!" She said.
I hugged her, "I know I'm so excited!" I exclaimed. I helped her with her luggage and we settled in. We went out on the deck to admire the view.
"I wonder when they will be here." Maya said.
"They should be here anytime now." I said, looking at the time. "I wonder what they are like." I said. Maya nodded, agreeing.

Maya took out her iPhone and put in her password. She still had the same screensaver. It was a collage of one direction pictures she made. Maya and I were One Direction obsessed. I didn't like to say we were fan girls that screamed everytime we heard their names, but I myself and everyone knew we were. But me and Maya were different. If we ever met them, she would be one of those girls who would scream bloody-murder and pass out. But I wasn't like that. If I ever had a chance to meet them, I would just want to sit down with them and have a normal conversation.
"Oh my god, look at Niall's eyes in this picture!" Maya said holding her phone out for me to see. "Oh my god, they are so adorable! Amazing!" I yelled.

Then we heard someone come in the door. I looked in through the screen door of the deck and there were 5 people inside. I couldn't tell what they looked like. "That must be the family." I said. We opened the screen door and went inside. They turned to look at us and we froze. One Direction was standing in the living room of the apartment. Our eyes opened wide and we stood there, flabbergasted not believing what was happening. I searched for any words but I was too shocked, feeling like I was in one of my dreams. "Maya." I managed to say. "Is it just me, or is One Direction in our living room?" "It's not just you. I see them too." Maya said. Then Maya absolutely lost it. She let out a loud scream. Then I put my hand over her mouth. "Ok breath in and out." I said. She sighed. "Ok I'm good." She said, breathing heavily.

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