CHAPTER 3 ★ These Feelings

Start from the beginning

"Shit, it's just you Waltz! Don't do that!" Dinah breathed out.

"I can say the same for you! You literally scared the heck outta me!"

The Polynesian girl laughed. "What are you even doing here? I didn't get a text that you'll come over."

"Well... I actually wanted to tell you something." Camila uttered.

"Ahh hell nahh!! Don't tell me..."

Wait, does Dinah now I like Lauren? What do I do?! Oh, that's why I'm at her house... I'm scared. But I have to tell her. No I don't, but we tell each other everything!.. Maybe she can help, ughhhh! Why am I talking to myself anywayy?! Camila's subconsciousness was going crazy.

Fuck it. I'll just say it in one breath.

"I like Lauren!"
"Are you pregnant!?"

Camila and Dinah said that at the same time.

"Wait, what!?" Dinah asked shocked.

"What?!" Camila's eyes widened.

"Did you jus-noooo wayyy!!!"

"Hold on, you thought I was pregnant?!"

"Whoa whoa and triple whoa!! Scratch whatever I said a few seconds ago, but am I hearing right? Waltz, repeat that one more time." Dinah still didn't believe what she heard.

"N-no! I don't want too..." Camila covered her face in embarrassment.

"Cmon, just one more time!"

The brunette hesitated at first, but she couldn't care less anymore. "...I-I like Lauren!! There, now shut up!"

"Aww!!! My Lil Chancho is growing up!" Dinah gave her best friend a hug.

"So, you're not gonna say anything like 'omg why her?' or 'dawg, you outta your mind?!'" Camila was surprised at the Polynesian girl's reaction.

"What, no! I've been your closest and most trustworthy friend since day 1. Why would I ever?!"

"But... she's homeless and I'm... me." Camila uttered looking down sadly.

"Why you lookin sad? You're you and that's the reason why I love being best friends with you Chancho. The Camila I know stays true to herself and doesn't let anything get in her way. Don't forget that same sex marriage is now legalized in all 50 states. Love wins. You're lucky to be alive at this time. So be happy!" Dinah let go of her and punched Camila's arm playfully afterwards. "And to be honest, I kinda knew you swing that way anyway."

"Wooow, way to ruin your beautiful speech with that sexuality joke DJ." Camila smiled shaking her head.

"Whatever, at least my jokes are better than yours.. So, are you gonna tell Lauren?" Dinah asked excitedly.

"Are you crazy?! Nooo!"

"Why the heck not!?"

"Um, let's see... did you forget that she might reject me?" Camila replied back like it was the most obvious thing.

"Reject? You? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Lauren should be the one scared of telling yo-" Dinah stopped. "Um, I mean uh....damn it!"

"Back up, back the fuuhhck up!!" It was Camila's turn to be surprised. "Lauren likes me too?!"

Omg is this real? Cupid are you finally coming to fix my love life!?

Dinah face-palmed herself. "I'm so bad at keeping secrets... I'm so sorry Lauren."

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