CHAPTER 2 ★ Green Eyed Beauty

Start from the beginning

Dinah told Ally and Camila about Normani being a pro at dancing, how she was a huge Beyonce fan like her, and how they're gonna sneak into her next concert. Camila did the same with Ally.

"Okay now I'm hungry, where do you guys wanna eat?" Dinah asked changing the subject.

Camila was thinking until Lauren popped into her head. Burger King... Yes Burger King!! "How about Burger King? It's close from here." She stated trying not to show any excitement. Say yes cmon I wanna see Lauren again!

"Perfect! Lets go then!" Normani agreed.

Lauren's gonna be so surprised. Wait hold on why am I this excited?

All the girls walked to the front corridor and headed for Normani's car.

Camila kept smiling to herself as they went out.

When they arrived at their destination, Normani parked her car.

"Do you guys wanna order at the drive-thru or just go inside and chill in there?" Normani asked.

This is my chance... Camila said in her mind.

"Maybe we can just go in the dri-" before Dinah could finish Camila interrupted her.

"NOoo!! I-I mean... Uh I actually wanna chill inside and order from there... so can we?" The Latina replied hurriedly.

"That's what I wanted too." Ally added.

"O-okay.. I guess." Dinah answered exchanging questioning looks with Normani next to her.

As they got out from the car Camila tried to think of an excuse to stay outside for a little longer.

Then an idea came to her.

As the other three girls were about to open the door, Camila took out her phone.

"Oh shoot! I think I got an imporant text from my mom. I better call her!" The other girls looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Um, you guys can go ahead.. I'll meet you inside."

They nodded and went in, Camila looked from the window and saw that all of them were distracted.

Slowly she sped-walked to the alley next to Burger King and took a peek. "L-Lauren? Are you here?"

Camila waited for a response, but only received silence in return. She walked further into the alley to where she last saw Lauren from yesterday. Once she got a full view, no one was there.

"Lauren? Can you hear me?" Camila tried again looking around at her surroundings now. With every minute that passed and the green eyed beauty was still nowhere in sight, Camila grew more concerned.

Wait... why am I worrying about a person I barely know.. let alone someone homeless... she thought.

The brunette was losing hope and was just going to leave when Lauren decided to pop up out of nowhere.

"Camila? What are you doing here?"

The said girl jumped in fright turning around instantly. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was. "L-Lauren!! I thought you went someplace else... I was j-just about to leave so... um y-yeah.." Camila cursed in her head once again for stuttering nonstop. Why do I get all flustered like this when Lauren is here? I don't even know her... damn.

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