

"I love you"

"I love you too"


When I wake up, Troye is still wrapped around me sleeping soundly. I smile and kiss his forehead before untangling myself and getting out of the bed. I glance at the alarm clock. 5:42. Dang. I guess Troye stayed the night.

I slip out of the door, being as quiet as possible. I walk down the hall and tiptoe down the stairs. When I get down I see that the kitchen light is on. I walk as quietly as possible over to the door and peek around. When I see it's just mom, I let out a sigh of relief and walk in.

"Mom?" I say and she spins around, fists in the air. When she sees its me she laughs and puts her hands down.

"Connor? What are you doing up this early?" She asks and I shrug.

"I could ask you the same" I say and she nods.

"Your sister is almost here. Her plane arrived a lot sooner than she thought it would so she called me and said she'd just get a taxi. I didn't even know they'd come to this part of town but apparently they do" she says and smile. It's been a long time since I've seen any of my siblings. I would see Brandon more often but when dad died, he went with Dustin instead of staying with us.

"Dustin and Brandon are in the guest bedroom asleep" she says and my eyes go wide.

"Why didn't you come get me?" I ask and she smiles.

"I wanted it to be a surprise" she says and I laugh. I can't help but get giddy at the thought of seeing them all again.

As I'm having my moment, there's a knock on the door and moms eyes meet mine before we race to open the door. I get there before mom and open the door as soon as I reach it.





She drops everything in her hands and pulls me in for a hug, the smiles on our faces bigger than ever. I pull away and look at her face.

"Your hair is different" she says and I nod. "I like it" Mom comes up behind us and wiggles in between.

"My turn" she says and then hugs Nicola. Neither of them say anything but mom is crying. It's been so long. For all of us.

"I missed you guys so much" Nicola says and I nod, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Let's go to the kitchen before I cry. Come on" mom says and pushes us towards the kitchen. Nicola and mom sit at the table, giving each other the latest gossip while I make coffee for all of us.

I bring all the cups to the table and sit down. They take their coffee and thank me before Nicola looks at me. She has 'that' look in her eyes. She's about to do something that I may or may not approve of.

"So Connor. Anyone special? Any boys" she asks and I laugh. The look on her face. I missed that. The way she wiggles her eyebrows and the smirk on her face. Gold.

"Yes there are boys. Well. There's one. Not multiple. He's upstairs actually" I say this and immediately mom earns a playful glare.

"You let them be alone behind closed doors?" Nicola asks and I laugh. "I didn't get that" she says and mom smiles.

"Well. They can't get pregnant. It makes things a little different" mom says and I almost spit out my coffee. Nicola rolls her eyes playfully and turns back to look at me.

"What's his name?" She asks. I smile just thinking about him. His curly hair and blue eyes. His perfect teeth and his lips. "Connor"


"What's his name?"

"Oh. Yea. Troye. With an 'e'. He's perfect" I say and she smiles.

"He seems to make you happy"

"You don't even know" mom butts in and we both smile.

"Well. I can't wait to meet him" Nicola says and I smile. After an hour or so of catching up and refilling our cups with coffee, Nicola says goodnight and I go back upstairs to Troye.

He's still asleep, his hair all over the place and his mouth hanging open. He's still beautiful to me though. I think he always will be.

I crawl into bed next to him and begin to kiss all over his face. His nose. His forehead. Lips. Cheeks. Everywhere. I hear him giggle and pull away.

"Good morning, beautiful" I say and he smiles.

"Good morning" he says and stretches, letting out a loud groan making me laugh.

"You want some coffee?" I ask and he smiles. "Oh and. Um. All of my siblings are here so... Just saying. If there's any strange people down there don't be surprised" I say and his eyes go wide.

"I look like crap. They can't meet me like this. What if they don't like me? Help" he says, a look of panic in his eyes. I smile and pull him close to me.

"They're going to love you, Troye. I know they will. I've already told Nicola about you. That's my sister. She's so ready to meet you" I say and he relaxes in my arms. He nods and I jump up, pulling him with me.

"You ready?" I ask and he smiles nervously, but nods anyways.

"Let's go"

Hey guys!!!! Okay. So I'm probably gonna wrap things up pretty soon. It's almost over! I can't believe it. Ahh I'm excited but also sad this journey is coming to an end. It's been a good one.

Real or Not Real? (Tronnor) (boyxboy) (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن