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So this is a really short AU of Dean and Cas' wedding day, I'm sure I could have done this much more detailed but I kind of like it this was? Anyway thanks for reading and please leave any requests or opinions in the comments! Enjoy.

'Where's Dean?' Cas yelled tugging at his suit anxiously.
'He's inside! Don't worry.' Charlie tried to calm Cas, sitting him down as Hannah rushed around arranging the bouquets.
'Just breath.' Cas mumbled to himself looking at his watch.
'You need something to eat? Drink? You didn't have any breakfast.' Clair chimed in.
'If I eat I'll vomit.' Cas stared at the floor.
The room, once a buzz with excited brides maids had now fallen silent as they awaited Cas' que to enter the hall.
Gabriel came rushing into the room, flustered and as anxious as Cas.
'It's time! Come on!' He ushered Cas to the main doors, waiting for the right moment before pushing both large doors open.
Cas stepped forward clinging to Gabriels arm as he walked. The music began to play, the calm instrumental of Cas' favourite song 'can't help falling in love'
What seemed to be millions of eyes stared at Cas as he slowly walked down the aisle followed by Clair, Charlie and Hannah.
He began to sweat only now realising how large the crowd was. He knew all these people? Wow.
Gazing up as he walked he saw Dean waiting for him smiling. He didn't look half as nervous as Castiel knew he was.
He began to focus solubly on Dean and how amazing he looked instead of the many people staring at him.
Gabriel and Cas parted ways at the end of the aisle before sharing a slightly prolonged hug.
'Go get em.' Gabe whispered before taking his seat on the front row beside Balthazar.
Cas began to walk forward again almost tripping over the first step.
After what felt like forever he finally stood beside Dean, taking his hand and instantly feeling more relaxed than he had.
'Ladies and gentlemen. We are gathered here today to celebrate the Union of Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak.' 
The realisation hit the couple simultaneously. They were getting married. Married.
'I understand you have both prepared your vows.'
Dean gave Cas a reassuring look, knowing he would go first.
'Cas. I make a lot of promises I know I don't keep, but believe me when I promise to never leave your side. Meeting you had to have been the single most important moment of my life. I promise not to get annoyed at you when you chew with your mouth open, even if it annoys the hell outta me. I promise to always love you and care for you when you're ill, even if that means catching the flew from you again. But most importantly I promise to make every moment we spend together the best moments of our lives.'
A single tear trickled down Cas' cheek to which he immediately wiped his face with his hand. The crowd filled with sniffles and whispers as everyone waited for Cas to begin.
'Dean. Yes we argue a lot, but like every couple we pull through. You're the light of my life and I'd be standing here forever if I had to make every promise I wish to. So, I vow to love you with every breath I have even when you're being outrageously annoying.'
A few members of the crowd laughed through their tears, including Dean.
'I vow never to get too annoyed at your extremely loud music playing all across the house. I vow to always love and care for you just like you do for me. I love you.'
Both Cas and Dean couldn't help smiling (obviously, I mean it's their wedding day!) they both returned their focus to what was being said, which was hard seeing as all they wanted to do was curl up within each others arms right there and then.
'Dean, do you take Castiel to be your lawfully wedded Husband?'
'I do.' Dean beamed, his pearly white teeth showing as his smile grew.
'Do you, Castiel take Dean to be your lawfully wedded Husband?'
'I do.' Cas smiled, his thumb stroking against Deans knuckles as their fingers became intertwined.
'You may Kiss your Husband.'
The crowd all stood as Dean tugged Cas closer, their lips finally meeting as they embraced one another, oblivious of their surroundings resulting in an extremely prolonged kiss.
As their lips parted, they both turned to face their loved ones.
This was without a doubt, the happiest day of their lives.

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