A Redneck Delivery

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Miranda's pov

It was Jason's birthday so we were watching home movies and hanging out at his house. In the video his mom was making Christmas dinner. She turned around with tears in her eyes. "Jeez don't tape me! You know how I get around the holidays!" I quickly exit the room. Seconds later, someone's hand rests on my shoulder. I turn around to my older brother. His other hand in his pocket. "Happy birthday." I say. He smiles and we sit on the front stoop. "What's wrong?" "I know what she meant by that in the video." He sighs. "Mom and dad sure missed ya after." I smile and wipe a tear from my eye. "I missed them too." We hug and Luke walks out. "Wondering where you two got off to." I stand up and just then one of the boys kicks. I gasp in surprise and both my brother and husband laugh. I'm now eaight months and each time they kick it sends a jolt right through me. "You boys behave in there. No fighting!" Luke says, patting my stomach. Jason laughs. I smile. "Listen to your daddy!" I gasp. We go back inside and Melanie brings out the cake. We sing Happy birthday to him and do cake. Oh jeez the babies are kicking like crazy. That was painful. I sit down on the couch. The bulldogs game now on. "You guys calm down!" I mutter rubbing my stomach. Jason sits beside me. "Hun they're a bunch of drunk rednecks. They aren't gonna calm down." I roll my eyes. "Not you and your friends, goofy, the babies!" "Oh. You okay?" "Yeah." I mumble wincing in pain.

Luke's pov

Jason calls my name. I glance over. "I'm fine." My wife mutters. He stands up and walks over. "I think something is wrong." He says. She looks in pain. I nod nervously. "Ya think she went into labor? I don't know what to look for on stuff like that." He shrugs. "Remember, I got the girls after they were born." I walk over to the couch. Her hands are shakily around her stomach. "What's wrong hun?" "I am fine. You guys need to stop worrying." Then she cries out in pain. Jason and I lock eyes, probably both thinking the same thing. "Labor. You've gone into labor!" I gasp, grabbing her hand. "What?" She asks, confused. "Miranda the babies are coming!" Jason gasps, grabbing his keys. He holds one arm. I hold the other. We get to Jason's truck and I hold her hands. "Luke, I'm scared." "Don't be baby girl, we'll get to the hospital and everything will be fine." "Uh Luke, we've got a problem." I look up and see the miles of cars blocking the road we need to go down.

Jason's pov

Crap! I roll down my window as a cop walks by. "What's going on up there?" "Oh a five car pile up. You aren't getting down that road for hours." He says, pointing. "Dammit!" I grumble, punching the steering wheel. "We need to get down that road!" Luke cries from the back. What do I do?! This is the only road into town! "Aaaah!! Jason hurry!" Oh jeez! I'm close to panicking. We aren't gonna make it to a hospital.

Luke's pov

Jason jumps out. "What are you doing?" I cry, confused. He grabs a blanket from the floorboard. "Move her to the truck bed. We ain't gonna make it to a hospital. We're gonna have to do this on our own." My eyes go wide. "What?! J-Jason! We aren't doctors!! I don't know the first thing about delivering a baby!!" I gasp in full on panic mode! He grabs my shoulders and slaps me in the face. "Get it together man. You start freaking out, she and the babies are doomed. You have to keep cool! I'm gonna run up and see if they're are any doctors in this traffic jam!" I'm terrified. He lays the blanket in the truck bed and I help Miranda out. "Oh God! Luke it hurts so bad!" She screams crying.

Jason's pov

I was knocking on windows asking for help when a guy steps out saying he's a doctor. "I need help. My sister went into labor and we can't get to the hospital." "I'm on my way." Thank God!

Miranda's pov

Oh the pain is unbearable. Jason and a guy gets back. "He's a doctor." Jason says. I'm so scared. Luke is holding my hand as the pain rips through me in waves. Jason grabs my other hand. "What are we working with here?" The guy asks. "Twins. 8 months along." Luke says. "Ok ma'am on the count of three you push okay?" I shakily nod, my hands trembling. "1, 2, 3." I push with all my might an agonizing scream being ripped out of me. "I see the baby's head!" The doctor gasps. Luke dabs my forehead with a part of the blanket. "Jason," I whimper terrified. He looks down wide eyed. "I can't do this! I can't!" I gasp. "Yes you can! You've got this." He says. The doctor says to push but I can't!

Luke's pov

I hear Jason scream! "What's-" "Oh shit dude! She fell unconscious! What do we do?!" My best friend cries panicked. The doctor bites his lip. "This might scare you guys but I need a knife, a really sharp one." Me and Jason look at each other fearfully. "W-Why?" He whispers. "I'm gonna have to do emergency c-section." "Have you done this before?" I gape. "Not without anesthesia but we don't have time." Jason pulls out his switchblade. "I'm so freaked out." He whispers, wide eyed. He shakily hands it to the doctor and he flicks it open. "You uh might wanna look away." He says. Jason does but I don't. Then he cuts her stomach open. I cover my mouth to keep from screaming.

Jason's pov

Luke calls my name so I open my eyes and the sight before me makes me almost throw up. My sister is cut open at the stomach, blood everywhere and she's unconscious! "I-Is she-" "She's still alive. We need a first aid kit!" I jump down and open the cab. I've gotta have a first aid kit somewhere! Thank God! I terrifiedly run back and give it to him. The doctor dabs the blood with gauze and the blanket. "Here comes baby number one." My eyes go wide, watching this. The miracle of birth in the back of my pick up. I get a towel and Luke wraps him up. He's got tears in his eyes. "You ready?" The doctor asks me. I nod shakily. "Good. Cause here comes baby number two." This rural road is now filled with the sounds of two screaming infants, a crying with relief father, and the cheers of everyone around us. The doctor looks around caught off guard. I smile. "You're a hero man. She'd be dead without you." I say, cradling the other baby. "She isn't out of the woods yet. I still have to stitch her up!" "How... Uh are we gonna do that?! I don't have that stuff in there!" I gasp, wide eyed. "I do. Wait here." He jumps off the tailgate and runs back to his truck.

*10 minutes later*

He was sewing her back up when he cursed. "What's wrong?!" Luke gasps, terrified. "She's losing a lot of blood. What blood type is she?" "A!" Luke says, his voice cracking. He thrusts his arm out. She's blood type A. So am I! "Luke buddy you can't do it! You're B blood remember?" I hand the baby to him. "But I can." After the doctor transfuses her blood and finished stitching her up, a police escort came and got us to the hospital. The babies were in the nursery. "Oh man what do we do if she doesn't wake up?!" Luke gasps, pacing back and forth. "Now all we gotta do is wait and pray." I say, gently setting an hand on my best friend's shoulder. I'm completely terrified.

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