Revenge Or Reconnection?

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Miranda's pov

I need info on this girl. Obviously it's a sore subject for Jason so I'll ask someone else. He's taking the girls out today so I'm gonna talk to his mom.


She says her name was Alison Cooper and she gave me a picture. Nobody hurts my brother and gets away with it.

Jason's pov

I get back to mom's and notice the absence of my little sister. I ask mom and she said she had stuff to take care of. I shrug it off and get the girls some lunch. I call Luke to see if he's in town. I'm kinda bored.

Miranda's pov

I angrily stand at the edge of the driveway to Alison's house. I stomp up there and knock on the door. Seconds later, the tall blonde stands there. "Alison Cooper?" I ask, trying not to show how angry I am. "I go by Ali but yeah." "Are you familiar with the name Jason Aldean?" I ask. Her eyes go wide. "M-My ex boyfriend." "Yeah well I'm his sister and I'm not too happy about what you did to my brother." Tears come to her eyes, untterly shocking me. "I...... He was the only guy who ever treated me like I mattered." She gasps, crying in her hands. Ok I'm thrown for a loop here. I came here for revenge. "I miss him. Can I talk to him?" "I don't think so. He's really upset about it all." He won't even talk about it. "I don't deserve to either." She says sighing. I wonder what would happen. "Alison don't lie to me cause I can see right through liars. Do you love my brother?" "The time I had with him was one of the best.... Before I was doing it for money.... But..... I'm not like that anymore."

Jason's pov

I hear the doorbell ring. I was laying on the floor playing checkers with Keely. "Come in, door's unlocked." I call. "King me dad!" I smile. "Ya sly dog." I king her. "Jason, um it's been a while." My whole body tenses up. Keely's eyes go wide. "Mama?" I shakily stand up and turn around. Ali. "W-What are y-you doing here?!" "Oh Jason, I was horrible to you! Please forgive me!" I stare at her unsure and worried. "No. I don't.... I can't take the chance..... And my girls aren't gonna get hurt by you like I did." "I know I don't deserve forgiveness but I'm a changed girl. I don't do what I used to do anymore. I just..... You were the only guy I missed after we broke up..... And the girls.... You raised them well." I force a smile and nod. "They're my whole life. That's the one good thing you left me with. How the hell did you find me?" "Don't be mad at her. But your sister found me." What the hell?! How'd she even know about her?!


Miranda's pov

"Why on earth did you find my ex girlfriend?!" I turn around. "Well I heard what she did and went to exact revenge when I found out she still likes you." "She never liked me. She was only using me!" "She feels horrible about that Jason. And I know you love her. I can tell!" I gasp, beggingly. A stubborn man like him. What if he never gives it a chance. He could be passing up his only chance at happiness. "I know the truth is about her." His eyes go wide and he reluctantly nods. "I just.... I don't know if I can trust her..... Not after what happened." "Some people change Jay. She's changed. I can tell." He bites his lip. "I know you're scared but you're not going in this alone. I'll be here to back you up. Remember you're my brother we're family." He smiles. "Each day that goes by I thank the good Lord I have a sister." Tears come to my eyes. I hug him tight. "Jason, I'm so glad you're my brother." "Me too." "And if Alison does hurt you again, I can promise you her revenge will be far worse." "Ooh I've got a devilish baby sister." I laugh and nod. "Thanks for doing this. I was never the same after Ali. Now I have a chance at happiness and I'm gonna take it. And I have only you to thank for that." I'm such a lucky girl. "Now go get your tan legged Juliet." I say, smiling. He waves and walks out the door to talk to Ali.

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