Low Self Esteem

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Jason's pov

I was working on a new song while thinking about Miranda. What if she wasn't given up? If she wasn't, what if she wouldn't have gotten cancer? At all. But our stupid parents gave her up. My eyes land on the photo she used to find me. I pick it up. I recognize the house. We lived there til I was thirteen. "You're gonna make it, girl. Ya gotta." I whisper, pocketing the picture and trying not to cry. I get back up to the hospital and she's talking to some guy, her hair in her hands. Tears down her cheeks. I shakily walk in. She waves and he steps back. Who is that? "I'll uh give y'all privacy." He says, leaving. "Thanks." I say eyeing him suspiciously. I smile at her and pull out the picture and tape it to her wall by her head. She smiles and tosses the rest of her hair in the trash. "Thanks." "For what?" I ask, sitting down. "Being here. Taking care of me. Making this so much easier." I glance at the door. "Who was that guy?" "A friend of mine. Travis. He lives down the street from me. Helps daddy on the farm sometimes." I try to hide how annoyed it makes me when she calls her adoptive dad daddy. She opens her eyes. "I kinda like him..... But....." "But what?" "I know no one would like me back." My eyes go wide. "What do you mean?" "Who would wanna date a girl with no hair, who's sick and quite possibly dying!" "Hey don't you say that! You ain't dyin'! And any guy would be lucky to be with a girl like you. Don't ever think that way again."


I walk out on the balcony of her floor. Another guy stands at the far end I don't pay attention until he says, "Hey." Then I realize it's the dude in her room earlier. "Sup." I say, staring off into the distance. The cars rushing passed below. "My sister likes you." His eyes go wide. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about!" He gasps, confusing me. "Why?" "Cause I figured overprotective big brother... You know that kinda thing." I shake my head. "She's my sister. Not my daughter. It ain't up to me." I glare at him, suspicious. He lights a cigarette. "Bum a smoke?" I ask. He hands one over. We both light it at the same time. I take a drag, closing my eyes, my other hand fisting. I grab his shirt. "You can date her, but you hurt her, I'll flatten you under my ford f-150 raptor's tires, got it?" "Y-Yeah. Loud and clear!" I let go of him. "Good. Cause she's really fragile. And this cancer has her depressed." I finish off the cigarette and flick it down the five story drop. "Go get her tiger."

Miranda's pov

I hide my face when the door opens. "Who's there?" I whimper. "Just me and Travis." Oh the guy I have a crush on and my brother. I lower the blanket, keeping my stare on the floor. "What's up?" I ask nervously, feeling red creep into my cheeks. I timidly look up and see my brother smiling. Travis sits beside my feet. "I've been thinkin'. Ya wanna get outta the hospital for a few hours and go out for dinner?" He asks, making my eyes go wide. I slowly draw my eyes to the young farmhand. "Yeah." I whisper, trying not to cry. He hugs me and kisses my forehead then leaves to get ready for tonight. My heart is pounding in my chest. "You got a date tonight!" Jason says. I sigh and shake my head. "He just feels bad for me." "That's not true." He gasps. I shake my head, trying to hide the tears that slip out anyway. He gets on his knees beside my bed. "Hey, look at me." I look at him. "That guy cares about you. I talked to him and warned him that if he hurts you I'd crush him and he still asked you out. That proves he likes you too!" "Really?" I gasp surprised. He smiles and nods. "Now dry those tears. I'm gonna call Melanie to take you shopping for an outfit." I rest a hand to my big bald head. "But what about my-" He stops me mid sentence by placing his cowboy hat on my head. I shakily stand up and hug him tight. "You're the best big brother any girl could ever pray for." "I love you, little sister."

*hours later*

I was getting ready at Melanie's house. She was working on my make up when Jason shouted, "He's here." I shakily stand up, scared out of my mind. "I can't do this, Mel! I'm scared!" "Don't be. You're gonna do fine." I nod and stumble down the stairs. "H-Hey Travis." I say quietly. My brother puts a hand on my back, pushing me forward. He smiles and takes my hand. "You look beautiful." He says, tipping my hat, well Jason's hat, up. He kisses me gently and my hands tense into fists from the shock of it. "I'll have her back by ten." He says as if talking to my parents. I glance back at Mel and Jason. They stare behind me jaw dropped. "What?" I ask. I turn back around and he took his ball cap off to reveal a clean shaven head! "Oh my God! You shaved your head for me!" I gape shocked. He smiles. "We're twins now." He says, making a light laugh escape as tears fall from my eyes.


We were at a drive in movie. He let the top down of his Cadillac convertible. I lay my head on his shoulder after taking the hat off.

Jason's pov

I hear his car pull into the drive. I open the door and see Travis carry her. Her head resting on his chest. My pace quickens. "I-Is she okay?" I whimper, pointing, my hand shaking. "Oh yeah. She just fell asleep and I didn't wanna wake her." I breathe a relieved sigh. He lays her on the couch and kisses her forehead. "See ya soon, baby." Wow. He walk to the door. "Hey uh Travis, sorry about threatening ya." I say, holding out a hand. We shake hands. "It's cool. I'm glad she has a big brother like you." She didn't always have a big brother like me. I smile. I'm glad she does now.

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