Back In Georgia

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Miranda's pov

We were driving to Georgia and listening to the radio. It was Toby Keith's how do you like me now. "Have you ever met him?" I ask pointing at the radio. "Who? Toby?" I nod. "Eh a couple times at award shows but I don't know him personally. He's not like Luke is or anything." "He's cool. I like his songs. Ya know I was a big fan of your music before I even knew we were related. In fact I was listening to your music when I found that picture." He smiles. "Oh really? What song?" "She's country. I had a yard sale going on at the time." "My mom loves going to yard sales... Well our mom. I'm still getting used to all this." I shrug and nod. "So the song the truth is there a real girl behind it." His eyes go wide and he hits the brakes, catching me off guard. "Whoa what was that?" I gasp. "N-Nothin'. Um so ya made a choice yet on me droppin' ya off?" Ok? That was weird. I guess it's a sore subject. "Yeah. I'll give 'em a chance. Even though twenty odd years ago they didn't give me one." He sighs. "Don't hold a grudge and here's why." I look up at him as he gets back on the road. "Bitterness keeps ya from flyin'." I smile. "Jason, you're wise beyond your years." He chuckled and shakes his head. "Nah I just live it one day at a time and pray the good Lord don't take me back soon." I really am gonna like having a brother. We get to our parents' house. "Call me if it gets to be too much." I smile and hug him. "I will, thanks." He tips his hat and I hop out. The gravel crunching under my boots. He waves and I wave back then get inside. "Mom dad?" I ask. "In the kitchen." I hear mom's voice. I walk in there. "Thank you for giving us another chance. I know it must be hard. But I'm so glad to have you back in our lives." I smile. They did want me. I run over and hug them as tears fill my eyes. "Me too mom and dad!" I gasp. I hear the sound of laughter upstairs. "Oh Miranda those are your nieces!" Mom gasps excitedly. My nieces?! Jason never mentioned he had kids! "Keely Kendyl come meet your aunt Miranda!" Dad calls. Seconds later, two little blonde twin girls walk down the stairs. "When's dad coming home?" "After his show tonight." Mom replies. She tells me which one is which.

Jason's pov

I got a text from my sister. Oh wow. She met the girls. I forgot they were staying with mom and dad this weekend! Cause of the tour. That musta caught her off guard.

M: Keely and Kendyl are adorable little girls.

J: thanks. Love 'em to death.

M: I'm an aunt this is so cool!

J: I'm glad you met them. I forgot they were staying there.

Mike calls me to stage just then. But he stops me before I go on. "Jason, I think she's lying about being your sister." Huh? "Why do you think that?" "Well has she given you any proof other than a picture and a quite possibly fabricated story?" I roll my eyes. "Come on, Mike. There's no reason for her to lie." "Unless she wants to get after your money!" I am getting sick of his accusations! "For your information, Mike, I asked her about that and she said she didn't care about money. She wanted to get to know me and I met her adoptive parents. Their loaded. She wouldn't need me for money." He sighs. "You should get a DNA test. Just to be sure." "Mike," "Yeah?" "Shut up." I push passed him and get onstage. "Hey Georgia! It's great to be home!"

Miranda's pov

"That's daddy!" Kendyl shouts pointing at the screen. I smile watching them. They sure love their dad. Me and mom go in the other room. "What happened to the girls' mother?" I ask as she pours some milk for the girls. "Aw a sad story indeed. Jason was desperately in love with that girl and she turned out to be a dastardly gold digger. When she found out she was pregnant with the twins, she told Jason they were through. Nine months later, the girls arrived on his doorstep." Oh man, poor Jason. "He was head over heels for her too. It devastated him. For the first three months of the girls being there, I had custody of them because Jason was too depressed to get up." My God! I wanna find this girl and give her a piece of my mind! "I'm home!" Jason's back. I hear the girls' excited shrieks. I walk out of the kitchen seeing Kendyl sitting on his lap as she tells him about her day. "And the horses need lots of care daddy." She says wiggling a finger at him. He laughs and nods. "Ya remembered to groom her?" She nods. I wanna find that woman so bad! I can't believe anyone would hurt such a kind man. I sigh and sit beside him. His mom takes the girls to bed. "Dad told me you and mom talked." He says, smiling. I nod. "The girls loved watching you on TV." "Yeah, I make sure to give the hand signal when I know the concert is being aired." I raise an eyebrow in confusion. "I hold up three fingers. It means I love you and goodnight. Usually they're asleep before I get home." "It must be hard, having to leave them." I say. He shakes his head. "I don't leave 'em. I always come back. Unlike some people." He says, glaring at his hands which are now in shaking fists. I know he's talking about their mom. "What happened to bitterness keeps you from flying?" His hands freeze. "You're right. I'm so hardheaded, I hardly follow my own advice." The he stands up. "Well goodnight sis." He waves and goes up the stairs probably to tuck them in. He's a good father. I'm getting revenge on that stupid bitch that hurt my brother.

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