Alot Of Surprises!

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Miranda's pov

Luke threw a BBQ. We were all hanging out at his place.

Luke's pov

She decided to leave the bandanna off and go for a swim. My jaw drops seeing her in a bikini. Jason nudges me with his elbow. "Damn, Jason, you're sister is so hot." I say. He laughs. "You certainly love staring at her." "Who wouldn't? She's so damn amazing." He smiles. "Then go get her. I've got the grill."

Miranda's pov

Luke jumps in the water making me laugh. "Aren't you supposed to be manning the grill?" I tease him. He smiles. "Jason took over for me which surprises me since I thought he didn't like us together." I smile over Luke's shoulder at my brother. He smiles and waves. I'm so glad.

*a few weeks later*

Luke and Jason were going on tour together. I sit down on the back of the bus. Jason walks out and sees me. I smile and wave. He sits down. "You really like Mel?" He nods. "So you and Luke?" I nod. "It seems like my best friend and your best friend both picked the Aldean siblings." He smiles and drums his fingers on the spot where we were sitting. "But... What's Luke gonna think.... When he finds out?" He looks at me. "Finds out what?" He asks sitting up. "That I'm infertile..... Like of we got married and he wanted to have kids, he couldn't." His eyes go wide. "Girl don't think that far ahead." I sigh and stare at my shoes. "Hey, the important thing is Luke loves you. Focus on that." He says, patting my shoulder. He jumps down. "I better get ready for tonight's show." I jump down too. "I'm gonna go find Luke." I was about to run off when Jason grabbed my shoulder. "Don't go talkin' to him about babies. You'll end up scarin' him off." I glance back at my brother. I quickly turn around and hug him. "What.... Uh what was that for?" He gasps, caught off guard. "You're always looking out for me. Even though you barely knew me." His hands shakily wrap around me. "Of course I would. You're my sister. My baby sister and big brothers are supposed to take care of their baby sisters." I smile as tears come to my eyes.


Jason's pov

I can't find Melanie anywhere! She wasn't backstage at all. Nor in the crowd. I walk back to the buses worried. I pass Luke and Miranda. They smile and wave. I wave too. I go on the bus and there she is. "Hey Mel! I've been lookin' everywhere for you!" "Who is she?!" She yells confusing me. "Who's who?" I gape. "The girl you were making out with behind the bus!" She screams. What the hell?! "I wasn't making out with anyone behind the bus!? What are you talking about?!" "I saw you hug her! Who was she?" I'm so confused. Melanie's crying now too. "I swear I am not cheating on you! There's no other girl!" "Lying will only piss me off more!" She shoves passed me and walks off the bus. "Babe! I'm serious! There's no girl!" I gasp desperate.

Miranda's pov

I hear Jason and Melanie fighting. I glance over there confused. Melanie stomps off the bus with a suitcase and Jason looks like he's about to freak out. "What happened?" "She thinks I was cheating on her with someone behind the bus! But I wasn't!" I go back to earlier. He hugged me. "I think she's talking about me and you when we hugged." His eyes go wide. "Mel!" He gasps, worried.

Jason's pov

"Mel, please just let me explain!" She sighs and turns away from the cab that just pulled up. "You have five minutes." "You saw me and Miranda hug. Not some other girl. The other night she was freaked about dating again so I was comforting her." Her eyes go wide. "Really?" I nod. "Of course baby. Mel, you're the only girl for me! I love you!" Tears come to her eyes. She closes the cab door. "Sorry for wasting your time sir, but I'm not goin' anywhere." Thank God.

Miranda's pov

I watch as he spins her around. "One little misunderstanding." She says, kissing him. "Glad those two worked it out." Luke says, turning me around. I smile. "Luke, I love you." "I love you too." He says. Tears come to my eyes as we hug. He pulls me onto the bus.


I lay my head on his arm. "Luke, are we gonna be together forever?" I whisper. His arms wrap tighter around me. "Of course baby." That only makes me think of the fact I could never give him a baby. "Luke, I have to warn you. From the chemo and radiation, I can't have kids." His eyes go wide, worrying me. "There's always other ways sweety." He says, kissing my head. "Oh Luke I was so scared to tell you!" I gasp, trying not to cry and failing. He hugs me tight. "Don't be afraid to tell me anything. I'll love you anyway." He says, kissing my forehead. Tears fall from my eyes as my head rests against my lover's chest.

Jason's pov

I walk off the bus relieved that I worked that stuff out with Mel. She walks off wearing my T-shirt and boxers. I smile as she slips her hands around my neck, standing behind me on the bus steps. I smile and rest my hands on hers. "I'm glad we worked everything out." She says, a hand now in my hair. "Me too. What the heck are you doing back there?" She laughs and jumps on my back, making me stumble forward. "You're crazy girl!"

Miranda's pov

I get off the bus overly happy. Luke loves me. I laugh watching Jason and Mel. He stops walking, hearing me laughing. Melanie kisses his head then he sets her down. "You're crazy girl." She laughs. "You just said that." He puts his hands on his hips. "And I'm sayin' it again." He says proudly, "But you can be as crazy as ya wanna be as long as you're crazy over me." He swings her around and Mel laughs hysterically. I laugh. Luke slips his hands around my waist. I tilt my head to kiss him. Just then our mom drives up. Both our mom and dad get out along with Keely and Kendyl. "Dad!" Keely gasps running over. He picks her up. Kendyl runs over too and he picks her up too. "Girls, I've got a big surprise for you." Huh? He sets them down, pats their heads and grabs Mel's hands. "Baby you've totally turned my life around. I'm one lucky son of a gun to have met you. Thanks to my amazing little sister, I get to do this." He digs in his pocket and to my shock and surprise he pulls out a ring box. "Melanie Anna Patterson will you make me the happiest redneck alive by marrying me?" She screams in happiness and hugs him tight. "Oh yes Jason!" "Wow, Jason's getting married." Luke gasps from behind me. I turn around and hug him. My bro is getting married to my best friend!

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