Chapter 23

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Let's get Margret Peterson one last picture. The unforgettable, courageous, independent, kind, friendly, caring, amazing woman. She will always be remembered to Skylar and many more. ⬆️

We head to the funeral building and I run to the restroom to change. Luckily, Jade packed a straightener so I just curled my hair with that because I'm just that amazing. I didn't put on mascara because I knew there was going to be tears. I look in the mirror at myself and think I'm at my mothers funeral.

It starts and a bunch of people start to show up. I walk over to Ben with his suit on and Jade and Danielle in their dresses. "Are you okay?" Ben asks putting his arms around me with his hand feeling my head. I hear his heartbeat and I feel comfortable but incomplete. "I.....I don't know." I say trying to hold back tears. "It's hard to see someone you love just parish like that." I say trying to be as strong as I can.  He just hugs me again while I can't hold back my tears anymore. "Your mother was an amazing woman." Danielle says. Was she was an amazing woman. But she's gone.

I watch as a bunch of people who enter go to see my mothers body. I walk to the bathroom to grab tissues to help all of the tears. Good thing I didn't wear mascara. We get in line to see her body. I talk to Danielle, Jade, and Ben while he holds me and tries to help. "I'm sorry to break the moment but who's next on the list of Expired?" Jade asks. "Oh it's fine it's just what I a little distraction." I say wiping my tears. Danielle opens her purse and opens her journal. She flips to a page and examines it until her face lights up. "Found it!" "Okay.....Oh! I remember her.....Alice.....what a dear." She says looking into the journal. "Alice?" I ask. "Yes Alice.....she lives in Colorado" she says with a smile. I look in front me and we're almost to her body.

Ben sees my dad looks and wraps me into a hug again. I hold back my tears and tell myself I am strong and brave. Finally it's our turn to see her and I let Danielle, Jade, and Ben say goodbye first. I watch them stare at her and whisper their goodbyes. Then it's my turn. I walk close to her and before I can say anything my throat hurts. My eyes fill with tears and I start to ball. "We'll give you a minute honey." Danielle says as the other two nod and walk a few feet away.

I stare at her. She's very beautiful and she still wears a little smile. Her hair wavy and curly like usual, her friendly freckles surrounding her nose. Hey white lace dress, long smooth and soft. Her dangly earrings she always wore when I was young. I remember when I was a bit three years old until I was about ten I always thought they were stars. They were so shiny and glossy. She always told me "These represent our world and someone put them in your hands, so you must be responsible and the beautiful princess you've always been to protect it." I would always giggle and tell her if try my best. And I'm staring at her now. All of those memories and fun are all gone. My mommy is dead. Gone forever. I'll never get her back until the day I die.

I lean closer to her and whisper to her. "Mommy, I love you so much. You were the bestest mother a girl could ever ask for. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Whether it was taking care of me when I was sick or fixing my injuries or even just keeping me company when I've been alone you've always been there for me. And no matter how many times I was rude or sassy to you, you always dealt with my crap that I threw your way. You always nurtured me and took the best care of me as a single parent. And you were always the best. Why did God have to take you? Why did you have to leave me here alone? I don't know. But I know one thing. I know, that I will always love you. And that there will always be a big spot in my heart for you. I'll never forget you. You'll always be the best mother I could've ever asked for. I never deserved you but you were always there. I love you mommy. I will never forget you and I'll always talk to you and keep you in my prayers. I love you.......goodbye." I cry and kiss her forehead. Her cold but soft forehead.

I didn't realize but we were the last ones in line. I back away from her but stand about four feet away so they can close the casket. I watch the last of my mother that I will ever see again. "Goodbye." I whisper just as it shuts. Everybody walks out to their cars so we can drive to the cemetery and the four of us hop in with a lady who said she'll give us a ride. We hop in and I have shotgun. We drive for about fifteen minutes until we arrive. Everybody hops out and follow the hurst. We go up to it and there's a hole not to far away from the street and we all walk over to it while some of the men carry the casket. There's a setup of shade with a bunch of chairs under it and everyone takes a seat. There's a small podium in front of the casket from where the men put it. An old man gets on the podium and asks "would anyone like to say something about Margret before we say goodbye. I don't have the courage or the strength so I just stay where I am and hold Ben's hand

A moment later a woman walks up to the podium and talks about my mother. She was probably a friend from work since she talks about nursing and things like that. I don't really pay attention until I don't feel Ben's hand squeezing mine anymore. I look up to see that he's walking to the podium. "I didn't know Margret very well, but I know that she was a wonderful woman who was probably so amazing since she raised another amazing girl Skylar. We weren't fast enough. We couldn't save her. I tell Skylar every time I think about it. All the guilt spills on me every time no matter how many times she tells me it wasn't my fault I still feel it all. I love Skylar and for the very few seconds I knew Margret she seemed like an amazing, strong, independent woman." He finished because tears started to film his eyes. "We'll never forget you Margret." He says trying not to cry as he walks down the podium.

I squeeze his hand as he sits down and Danielle goes right up. "Margret was so kind. She was a great mother, a great person, but most importantly a great friend. Margret Peterson was my best friend and I'll never forget her." Danielle says starting to cry. "We all love you Margret and you shall be remembered my dear." She says walking down the podium. For a moment it's silent and nobody goes up to the podium until the same old man walks up again. "Last call to say goodbye." He says and walks down. It's now or never. Plus I know my mother would do the same for me. She deserves it. And I would regret it if I didn't.

I walk up to that podium strong and independent looking like my mother. Mom, you always had a very special place in my heart. I love you so much and I'm sorry for all the times I was rude to you or disobeyed you. You never deserved it but you always put up with my crap." I say then I can't help but start to cry. "And you never stopped loving me. I shall never stop loving you and you will always be here in my heart. I love you mommy. For all the times and special moments and fun we've had wouldn't have ever happened if you weren't there. I love you mother. You'll always be with me. Goodbye." I say balling my eyes out as I run to my chair.

"Okay I think that's everyone. Thank you to those who spoke about Margret. She shall always be loved and remembered. He looks up and it starts to rain. He looks back at us. "If you have any flowers or gifts please bestow them now." He says and walks off the podium and puts a rose on her casket. A bunch of people get out of their seats and get in a line to place their flowers to her casket as a gift. I picked a daisy just for her. Daisies were her favorite. Danielle, Jade, Ben, and I get in line. As soon as we reach her casket we bestow our flowers to her. I start to cry but Ben pulls me toward him into a hug and he comforts me. I release him and look into the sky. It stars to pour of rain. My tears fall from my eyes to my cheeks and then off of my face. I can almost feel her soft hand wipe it gently from my face.

Authors note: I'm sorry for such a sad chapter but I feel like it had to be done for Margret who would've done anything for her dear beloved daughter Skylar. Thanks for supporting me! Happy reading! Also be prepared there's much more to come.

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