Quarterfinals - A Race Against Time - The Fallen

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Silence echoes throughout the new arena. The gamemakers have done it once more, turning the arena back to it's first state. The only sounds heard are the waves crashing against the buildings. Only five remain. The dead include:

                     Caesar Theron
Caesar didn't want to travel into the streets, but he knew that if he had any chance of winning and possible bringing order to the Capitol, he needed to travel down there. He headed down as soon as the gong rang. There, he grabbed a sword and plenty of food. On his way out, he ran into Logan and Naomi. Still caught up in winning, he attacked Naomi, which in turn provoked Logan. Caesar and Logan got into a nasty fight, and after it, Caesar fell to the ground unconscious, and Logan received bad injuries. After Logan and Naomi left because the wave was approaching, Caesar woke. He had no time to get out before the wave hit him. He was smashed like a pancake.

          Logan Hudson
At first, Logan volunteered to go into the streets alone, but as soon as he left, Naomi followed. Logan not wanting to endanger their child, he sent Naomi back, but Naomi insisted. When they arrived at the streets, Naomi was immediately attacked by Caesar. Logan stepped in and battled Caesar until Caesar fell unconscious. Logan was badly injured, so Naomi gathered as much as she could and the two traveled back into the building before the wave hit. When the wave hit the water seeped into the building. Logan forced Naomi to leave him to die. Naomi didn't want to at first, but when the water was a couple meters high, Naomi was forced to give up for she couldn't keep Logan above the water. Naomi left the only soul she loved so she could save another.

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