Female Tribute Seven - Georgina West

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Name: Georgina West

Age: Nineteen

Sex: Female

Physical Description: Georgina's mass of chestnut brown curls give prominence to her angelic features. Her large brown eyes resemble the color of melted chocolate and are framed by long lashes. Toned and standing at five-foot-five, her slender figure doesn't go unnoticed. With a sharp jawline, high cheekbones and flawless, fair skin, Georgina has a fragile beauty that most people can't help but notice.

Personality: Beneath this dainty looking exterior is a tough and sassy personality that surprises any unsuspecting person. She's used to hardships and living with almost next to nothing. Her tongue, sharp and has no filter, can sometimes get her in trouble but it's also the one that gets her out of it. Her main flaw is she's quite naive - show her some kindness and her trust is yours. Georgina is smart, sarcastic, witty and, when she wants to be, charismatic.

Volunteer/Drawn: Drawn

Weapon of choice: She has some experience with throwing knives and ninja stars

Writer Games: Pending SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now