Dont you just love arranged marriages? note the sarcasm

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hey everyone....well since everyone has been writing about arranged marriages lately i might give one a try! So comment and tell me what you think!

xx TwilightTwin

***Indiana's P.O.V***

This is officially the worst day of my life! Im 17 and getting married to a total stranger, I think its called an arranged marriage, but seriously, who has them anymore? For all I know, my future husband could be a serial killer.So now Im stuck packing 17 years worth of good memories into 3 suitcases and heading off to some random new place to live with a complete random person, not my exact idea of fun!


I walked into my house-well house might be the wrong word, mansion would be better suited-high heels in hand, after a night on the town and going crazy with my friends, I feel a major hang-over coming on! Dont know if my mum's asleep yet, dad's on a business trip, so i try to be a quiet as i possibly can, when i walk into the entrance areas table.

"Shit, didnt see that there" I mumbled.

"Indi can you please come in here?" A voice asks me from the dining area. Maybe Im going to get a parental lecture about partying all night.Again.

I walked into the dining area to face my parents, both of them.

"Dad? What are you doing here? I thought you were in England sorting out work stuff." I said. Dad and I dont really talk about his business, we have a love-hate relationship, its complicated.

"Indiana, come in and sit down, we have some important matters to discuss with you."

"Okay sure thing" I said as I sat down at the end of the table, who knows, this news could be bad and I might try hitting one of them.

"Hunny, your getting married." My mother told me straight out.

"Mum, no offence or anything but I dont even have a boyfriend at the moment and your talking about me getting married? Can you please stop playing jokes one me? My head is killing and all I want to do is sleep." I said as I put my aching head on the table.

"No one is joking here young lady, this is a serious matter. A business partner in England is moving here, his son is your age and you two are getting married so I can, seal the deal if you will, to his father."

I slowly brought my head off the table and stared at my dad. As all the facts settled in, I got angry and stood up way too fast. I stumbled and grabbed hold of the table, then glared at my father and mother and walked out of the room, up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door for an extra effect.

***End of Flashback***

Shoving all my shirts into a suitcase with more force then needed, I heard a knock at my bedroom door.

"Mum, Im packing just like you told me to, so please dont ruin my life anymore and just go away!" I know i sounded rude, but this woman was just going to give me up like that? What a good mother she is. There was another knock at the door and getting sick of it, I got up and opened it, and boy was I shocked. There in my doorway stood the most hot buy I have ever seen, no joke! He was the complete oposite of me. Where i had green eyes and blonde-brown hair, he had piercing blue eyes and black hair, nice build and whoarr nice smile too.

"He-heyy" I stuttered. Damn it! i cursed internally, why did I have to stutter, he probably thinks Im an idiot now.

"Hello, your mother told me that I was to come get you, so please hurry up, Im getting bored standing here" he said and smirked. Did I say he was hot? No I meant waaaay gross.

I pushed past him and walked down the stairs, but i could feel his eyes on my ass. Not my fault I was wearing short-shorts.

"Hey tough guy, my face is up here you know" I said sarcastically

"Oh I know, just checking out what my future wife has, and it doesnt look like much."

"Probably more then you have or will ever see." I shot back.

"Dont think so." I think I heard as I walked into the dining room.

" Oh Indiana, nice of you to join us, I see you have been talking with your future husband, looks like you two are getting along" said my father as said husband walked into the room and sat next to me.

"If by getting along you mean that I would rather saw my hand off and rip my eyes out then ever touch him, then sure, we are getting along great!" I smiled innocently.

My father just glared at me and continued talking to my future inlaws.I just sat there and stared out the window til I felt a hand gliding up my thigh. I looked at Ryan-yeah thats his name- and gave him a what the fuck? look, he just smile and kept doing it.Stupid jackass I thought as I pushed his hand off.This little game kept going while our parents were talking. I would push his hand off, he would put it back on, so annoying.

"So Indi go and get your belongings and meet us back here so you can get going" my mother said. Ooops, hadn't been following the conversation, but I guess this way my queue to leave. As I was heading off Ryans mother said " Ryan go with her too, help bring her things down."

So me and jackass got up and walked to my room, him trying to grab my ass on the way.

" Thought you said I didnt have much" I said

"Yeah I did, doesnt mean I cant touch though"

"Oh yes it does!" I said and turned to face him.

"Lets get one thing straight now buddy, we may be getting married, but there is no way in hell you will ever be able to touch this", I said gesturing to my body.

"Sure about that?" He said and backed me into the wall. He put his arms on either side of my head and I was trapped. Damn stupid, strong guy, I thought. He leaned in as if to kiss me and then he dropped his arms and walked away, laughing,

"Like I was gonna kiss you!" he said over his shoulder.

This was going to be one hell of an enjoyable marriage!

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