Breaking Point

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The sun was peaking over the horizon when I finally made it to the small offices, panting and out of breath again. A voice inside me began to panic as I realized there was no way I would make it home in time and I prayed to god some how, some way, I could make it to the X Factor building today with no questions asked. I flew into the building and impatiently tapped my foot as I waited for the elevator. It felt like it was taking 20 hours longer than usual. When it finally came down I hopped in and pressed the 5th floor button about 35 times while wishing that somehow this elevator would hurry up. Finally, I made it into the small office space where the bright morning sun began to shine through the window. I leaned against the wall practically gasping from my miny panic attack and al the running I had just done. 

Mrs. Watson was beginning to pack up her suitcase, so I assue she has the night shift and someone knew would be here soon. 

"Oh my god.." She put her hand over her mouth when she saw me. "Hon, are you okay?" She asked, coming up to me and putting her hand on my back "Do you need water or somehting?" I handed her my papers. 

"No, I need this taken care of." I told her through breaths. 

"Did you run here?" 

"Part of the way." I answered her truthfully.

"How long did it take you?" 

"Three hours." I confided. She gasped a little.

"Well do you need a ride back then?" The fear in my mind that I wasn't going to make it back and despite being more tired than I had ever been in my entire life, I smiled.

"Please!" I begged of her.

>Declan's POV<

"Has anyone seen Delilah?" Megan asked us as we slowly began making our way out of the house and onto the van.

"What do you mean? You can't find her?" I asked. Megan shook her head. 

"She wasn't there when I woke up and she I haven't seen her all morning." I could see the fear in Megan's eyes and I thought back on two nights ago when I had caught her sneaking out of the house. Lately she's been acting concerningly weird. My thoughts wandered to all the different possible places she could be. A lot of the options made me shudder and only concerned me more. 

"I hope she's okay." My buddy Matt said as he lifted himself into the van. At that moment a car pulled up next the curb, behind our van. We all stared at the car, waiting to see who would get out. I heard the passenger door open but couldn't see from where I was standing who it was. 

"What the hell is going on?" Is the first thing I heard. It came from Megan as she yelled to the person who got out of the car. The car drove off, revealing a very very worn out looking Delilah.

"Excuse me." Delilah said, pushing past Megan who looked pissed beyond belief.

"No! We aren't leaving this spot until you tell me right this seocnd what the hell has been happening lately!" Delilah rolled her eyes.

"Nothing." Her voice was so low and scratchy that it was hard to believe it even belonged to her.

"Don't even give me that bullshit! Something is happening that you're not telling anyone and you need to because we're all concerned!" Megan motioned to everyone who had stopped what they were doing to watch the drama unfold. Delilah just shook her head.

"You don't understand." Delilah tried to push past again.

"Then help me too!" Frustration echoed through Megan's words. Delilah stopped trying to get through and just stared at Megan, with one nod to her head, Megan through her arms up in the air in defeat and stormed onto the van. Delilah stood there frozen for a moment before coming back to earth and hurrying inside the house to change or get her bag or whatever she was doing. I got on the bus, all the while staring at the spot that Delilah had stood in a few seconds prior and thinking about how she wasn't even Delilah anymore.

>Megan's POV<

I was angry and frustrated. If Delilah didn't want me to know what was wrong then I wasn't going to waste my time worrying about her. She could sulk in her own agony for all I cared. This is what I tried to tell myself during our entire drive to the building and walking through the halls. It's what I tried to tell myself as I barely listened to Louis while he gave his usual beginning of the week speech. It doesn't matter how hard I tried to convince myself that I didn't care because the truth was that I cared so much. I wish she knew just how much I cared. I evaluated her appearnce. Delilah was wearing the same yoga shorts she had change into after the show last night with the same navy blue tank top and cardigan. She had insanely baggy eyes with dark circles that showed just how tired she was. Her lips were stuck in a stiff line. There was a kind of absence from her eyes. Usually her eye's shown in a way that was intriguing but it was almost like they were cold and stiff now, with none of their usual iridescence. The spark Delilah had when I first met her had now become as dull as a piece of cold. Louis, who was standing in front of me announced to us that this weeks theme was going to be rock and roll week. I was too focused on the girl next to me who was trapped inside her own brain to care. What the hell was happening to her?

>Delilah's POV<

Everyone has told me that my mom had a breaking point. A moment where she lost it. It didn't have to necessarily be the moment she decided to leave. Maybe it was when she was trampled by fans, the very last time she spoke with her sister, a fight with Danielle. Who knows? My mom never told me about the moment she realized she had lost who she was but I know at one point she must have just stopped and thought and realized that she didn't even know who she was anymore. That's how I felt. Not just in a physical way, but I didn't recognize myself. Even the words that came out of my mouth didn't feel like they were mine. My train of thought felt like it belonged in someone who was mentally insane's head. I could barely think but at the same time the enitre world was crashing through my brain and it felt like I was thinking of everything at once. I didn't even want to think about the fact that I was walking on a very thin, long line that my own mother had once fallen off. Explaining to anyone, even Megan, Declan, or Roman didn't even feel like an option when I couldn't even explain to myself what was happening. I was breaking, I was losing, I was tumbling forward and I didn't know how to stop it. 

--------------Author's Note-------------

I would say that I'm sorry I didn't proofread this but I never really do soo.... lol! Little fun fact: There's a chapter in Not the Same called Breaking Point as well ;) I liked the way this chapter turned out, for some reason I thought it was gonna suck. Thanl you guys for your continued support <3 it means the world to me!!

xx, Ashley.

Hey There Delilah (Sequel to Not The Same)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora