Chapter Eight - Awkward

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After my shower, I made my way downstairs and found Jaymi. She was waiting for me, eager to cook me breakfast, to have an overdue chat. I had looked forward to it, I had missed her and her spirit.

"So tell me, why'd you run?" She asked as we sat beside each other facing the large windows outside, sipping orange juice and eating honey coated oat pancakes.

I shrugged, forking a pancake slice as it dripped with liquid sugar "I was confused"

"Are you still confused?" She asked, edging closer and closer to the centre of my logic

"Ask me again after Callum shows up" I said, shoving the forkful into my mouth

"It almost sounds like you would prefer if he didn't show up" She raised her eyebrows as she stared at me

"Of course I wish he didn't, that would be easier, it would be the cheaters way out, but I know he will" I shrugged

"What about this Pete guy that I'm hearing all about? You and him..? - "

"God no" I cut her off, amused by the idea "He was a friend" I assured her

"Hm" She mumbled, looking back down at her full plate "So how was it, living on your own?" She asked, changing the subject

"It sucked" I smiled at her, swallowing my mouthful

"Only cause you were without me" She smiled confidently

"How are you and Riley going?" I asked, flipping it on her

"We're good actually" She grinned, clearly beyond good "We're uh, planning on buying us a home close to here" She continued, not looking at me

"Jaymi, that's great!" I beamed towards her, happy that she'd found happiness with Riley, already planning their future together as any normal couple would

"I thought you'd be angry about it, upset at the least" She spoke, turning her head to face me again

"What? Why on earth would I be?" I asked, confused

"Because then it would just be you and Duke, here, alone.." She said reluctantly

I gave her a warm smile and rest my hand on her shoulder "I don't care about that, whatever makes you happy, makes me happy" I told her, genuine

"I wished it was the same for you" She sighed "I hate seeing two of my closest friends drown in tension, I feel helpless watching, but I also feel like I'm kind of drowning too.." She picked up her fork, averting her gaze

I mumbled, not sure what to say.
I knew what she was talking about, it wasn't hard to decipher. There was tension between Duke and I, unresolved mental tension, unresolved physical tension. I hated that not only I could feel it, that everyone else could too.

"Sometimes I wish you would both just, give in" She smiled, encouraging it

"It's not that easy.." I spoke, feeling the awkwardness of where it was going "I've tried, but it just, it just makes things worse.."

She was looking at me with narrow eyes "He can't let go the way you can"

I nodded, unsure of how she knew

"He could hurt you, I mean, not that I know what..." She sighed trailing off "I can see where he's coming from, it's dangerous, and he is probably terrified of hurting you.." She defended him

"I know he wouldn't, you know that too" I fought, more confident in him that anyone else was

"Maybe he was just waiting for the right time?" She shrugged "Is that what draws you to Callum, the idea of not having to hold back?" She asked as she speared a pancake

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