"Daddy? Where is mommy?" Dawson hopped over to his father, tugging at his pants. Dawson peeked over the stairs, seeing his mother at the bottom of their stairs.

"Why is mommy there?"

"She's sleeping" Braxton lied. Dawson ran down the stairs, then laid next to his mother. Braxton left his son and his sleeping wife alone.

Their son tried to wake her up, by shaking her and saying her name. But she didn't move. She must be very tired, he thought. He snuck into her arms and fell asleep with her.

*Jade's POV*

As I slowly woke up, the pain began to rise in my head. I felt warmth in my arms, the source was Dawson.

Why am I on the floor? I thought

I picked him up and carried him to the couch, then covered him with a blanket. I went to the kitchen, making myself some food. My face was in a lot of pain, I touched it and felt something. I looked at my fingers and saw a dark red substance.

I ran to the bathroom and saw a horrible thing, my face.

The right side of my face was black and blue, with a cut on it. There was dry blood laying on my skin. Suddenly, my memory came back. Braxton hit me, after all the years we have been together, he finally lost it.

My eyes fill up with unshed tears, soon they start to flow down my cheeks. I cover my mouth with my hand, covering my soft cries. I stayed there for a little while, letting everything out. I held those tears in for too long. My decision is now made, I need to leave.

I went back to the kitchen, acting like everything was okay. So I could continue Dawson and I's breakfast. I heard footsteps come into the kitchen, I didn't turn around. I finished my food and took it to the living room, completely ignoring my husband. I ate my food while watching tv with Dawson.

"Mommy, mommy! Your eye" he slightly yelled, pointing to my face.

"Mommy fell" I lied. He doesn't need to know what his father is capable of.

"Mommy, where is daddy Matt?" He asked, changing the subject. I stared at Grey with wide eyes. I almost spit my food out.

"What?" I heard Braxton snap.

"Matt, he played with me!" Grey smiled, clapping his hands. "You weren't here"

"Dawson, I was on a business trip. But I'm back now." Braxton assured him. But our son only frowned and shook his little head. My husband stared at me with angry eyes. He can only see the left side of my face. He can't see the bruise from this angle.

Once I finished my food, I went upstairs to my room to pack a bag. Then, I went to Dawson's room and did the same thing.

I took the 2 bags and threw them over my shoulders, I traveled back downstairs. Dawson was standing by the front door, near the stairs. I picked up Dawson and went towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I heard a voice behind me ask. I turned fully around, showing the bruise off to him. His eyes showed his emotion before he did, I could see sadness, regret.

"I'm leaving"

"No, you aren't. He's my son too!" He said. I looked at him and shook my head

"I want a break," I blurted out.

"Come on, we can work this out, baby" he tried to persuade me, he even tried to hug me. But I just backed away from him.

"I don't want to be with someone who abuses me" and I left the house. I loaded the car and put Dawson in his seat. "You have finally lost it, Braxton."

"You can't leave without letting me say goodbye to my son." He told me.

"I never said you couldn't say goodbye" I opened Dawson's door. Braxton said a few words to him before kissing his cheek and closing the door.

"You know this isn't the end," Braxton told me. "I will make things right even if it's the last thing I do"

"Stop talking about how you are going to do it, and just do it. Actions speak louder than words. Maybe things are supposed to be this way" I explain.

"I will make things right" he stated.

"Maybe things are supposed to be this way," I repeated.

"You are my wife, and you won't leave me."

"How do you know that? You don't love me, or even treat me good." I say. "Why should I stay?"

"Because we are meant to be," he said. I looked down at my hands. "There is a reason why we are still together"

"Dawson. He's the reason" I answered.

"That's not it, it's because we still love each other." He replied. He raised his hand, I flinched. His eyes were filled with regret and sorrow. "I still love you, I'm just not good at showing it"

"I don't know how, but I'm still madly in love with you, but I don't know if you feel the same way. I don't want to be someone's punching bag" I shot back. I turn around and go to my side of the car and get inside. I rolled down my window, "I want my real husband back, he actually cared. Maybe he can save our marriage."

JADE Where stories live. Discover now