I hastily excused myself and walked towards him, ignoring Scott and Snake, who looked up to see where I was going. Scott's little 'What the-' when I got to Cry made me realize they hadn't seen him either. He was just so quiet that it was very hard to notice him.

"Hey," I spoke up and Cry jumped, quickly turning and looking up at me. He seemed to physically relax the moment he saw me; his shoulders slumped and he let out a shaky sigh.

"Hey." His voice came out raspy and tired, and he seemed to have noticed so he cleared his throat before speaking again. "Is Russ still sleeping?"

"Yeah, he is," I answered. Cry just nodded and swung his legs from the windowsill so that he was leaning with his back on the partially boarded up window. I sat down next to him - quietly praying the windowsill was strong enough to hold the both of us, because it would be very awkward if it just broke right now - and sighed a little.

"So.. How are you doing?" I asked carefully. I didn't want to seem like a protective mom or anything, but I was worried about Cry. I think I had quite the reason to be worried though.

"I'm fine," he said after a little silence between the two of us. He quickly changed the subject. "What are we doing today?"

"Uh.. We're just going to explore the city, I think." I shrugged, our conversation once again turning quiet. It was tense between us. I was trying to figure out what was going on in his head, while he just felt embarrassed because he showed us his 'weak' side. I'd figured out that Cry wasn't really a fan of showing his emotions, especially sadness.

Krism and Minx walked into the living room and greeted us with a wave. Minx grabbed Krism's hand and dragged her towards the couch near us, sitting down. I looked away from the two, instead focusing on my shoes.

"Can one of you get Russ? We're going for a walk around the city in a moment," Scott ordered. Cry surprised us by immediately getting up, leaving me alone on the windowsill. He seemed thankful that he had a reason to stop our awkward attempt at a conversation. Understandable.

I noticed Minx looking back and forth at us. I made eye contact with her and slightly shook my head, telling her it was nothing to worry about, and she nodded, looking back to her wife. The fact that Cry was so eager to get away from me did hurt a little though. I was just trying to help him.

Snake got Jack, Ken and Mark, and Cry came back downstairs with a sleepy looking Russ. His brown hair was sticking out in every possible direction and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I know, I know. I look fabulous," Russ said, striking a pose. We all laughed and Russ shook his head, walking over to me and sitting next to me, where Cry had sat a moment ago. I noticed Cry limping towards the wall and leaning against it, trying to look casual. I knew his leg probably hurt like hell right now though, thanks to walking up and down the stairs. He always seemed to hide the fact that he was hurt. It was like he didn't want to show weakness or something ridiculous like that. I don't think anyone else noticed though.

"Alright. Let's quickly eat something and explore the city," Scott said and everyone agreed. I couldn't help but notice the nervous glances he kept giving Cry, but that wasn't surprising news to me. I wasn't sure whether Cry knew as well, but probably everyone heard his screams last night.

We ate from canned fruits that Ken had kept in his backpack, which was a nice change from our normal routine of hunting and eating wildlife. Everything was going so well; it felt too good to be true. Maybe it was.

After eating, everyone went to gather their backpacks. Although we could lock the door, there was no way we wanted to keep all of our belongings in here. We didn't know what the town was like yet, neither did we know whether our neighbours were trustworthy or not, so why risk it? Better to be safe than sorry.

When I came back down the stairs from our bedroom, everyone had their backpacks and was ready to go. I turned around, looking for Cry, when I saw him standing with Russ.

"Cry," I said, making him look up at me. It annoyed me that all I could see was that damn mask. I wanted to see his emotions; what he was thinking and feeling. I didn't want to see a simple pokerface mask. Why did he have to wear that every moment of the day? Why was he hiding from us?

"Uh, yeah?" Cry said after a moment, pulling me out of my thoughts. I had been staring at him. My face turned red and Russ frowned at me.

"Oh, sorry. I j-just wanted to know if you still needed my help with walking and stuff," I said awkwardly, my eyes fixated on my shoes.

"No, I'm good," he said slowly, tilting his head a little. God, this was so embarrassing.

I nodded and quickly walked towards Minx and Krism, pulling my backpack higher up my shoulder. I felt Russ' eyes piercing through my back but I ignored it. I held small-talk with Minx and Krism and let out a sigh of relief when Scott said we were leaving.

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