I turned back to Sirius. "See? Take me with you!"

He shrugged. "Sorry. He paid me three galleons to leave you two alone so he could kill you," He said, an idiotic grin on his face. "Oh, by the way, pay up, prongs."

"No way! You told all my plans to her! I'm not paying for a job-not-very-well done." James still had the imaginary knife in his hands.

"And he's gonna kill me!" I exclaimed, still smiling.

He shrugged yet again. How many times has he shrugged in this conversation? "Sounds like a you problem." With that, he left.

Still slightly laughing, I sat back and leaned my head on his shoulder. We did t talk, we just stayed with each other.

Because that's what love is -- when you don't have to talk to someone, you could just be, and the person would still understand you.

"What's wrong, Evans?"

So he did still understand me.

I couldn't answer the question right away. What's wrong, Evans? I didn't know.

"I really don't know, Potter. I guess I'm just... scared." I realized that now. I was scared. I wasn't angry at leaving Hogwarts, and I wasn't sad either. I was scared.

He kissed the top of my head. "Of what? I can't let you be scared. That means I have to find a way to make you not scared, and that takes time away from bragging about how perfect I am to others."

"And we all know that bragging about how perfect you are to others is your favorite thing to do."

"You know me well. Anyway, what's on your mind? I really want to get back to bragging."

I almost laughed. "I don't know. I guess I'm scared about the future. And who I'm going to be. Will I change? I don't even know who I am right now. Lily Evans? The mudblood?" I spat the last word out. "Or am I just that really smart girl cliché type?"

He kissed me again. "Doesn't matter. You're you. The question is: who do she want to be? And how do I get her to kiss me?"

"You can't," I answered simply. "Your not good enough for me. I'm way better than you."

"I can't? Are you saying I can't? I don't know if you heard, Lily, but I'm a Potter. I can do anything."

"Well you can't kiss me."

"Oh yeah? Watch me."

He lowered his mouth to mine and captured a kiss.

I kissed back.
"Woah, I leave you with a psychopath for seven minutes and you end up snogging him?"

After what feels like five seconds but could possibly be five minutes, we break apart. Scar, Marley, Alice and Frank and Peter, Sirius and Remus are holding as much candy as they could. They dropped it all in an empty seat and sat down.

We all started binge eating and talking about our stories at Hogwarts. Scar drank in the information in awe, asking questions and laughing with ume

"Wait wait wait," Scar laughed. "You mean to tell me that you guys once let a bunch of Cornish pixies out into the great hall during lunch?"

"Yep," James said proudly. "Got detention for three weeks. It was awesome."

"Detention was awesome?"

"No, no. Letting out the pixies was awesome. Detention was boring."

"Yeah, Filch is a pretty strict person. Word of advice, dear Scarlett-like-the-hair, never ever get detention with Filch."

"Noted," Scar said, taking notes on an imaginary notepad. "Don't... Get... Detention... With... Filch...," she muttered, taking pretend notes.

"Yes, dear Scarlett-like-the-hair. Never get detention with Filch," Sirius said.

"Well, any other advice for me?" Scar asked.

"Well you should always Grin at a Gryffindor; Write a Ravenclaw; Poke a Hufflepuff and Slap all the Slytherins. Then drink a bottle of butterbeer just because you can," Marlene said.

"I second that," Remus said.

"I third it," Alice and Frank said.

"Eat cheese," Peter added. "Cheese is great."

I wanted to add to the wisdom. "Take chances on people, you never know what their intentions are." For good measure, I then added: "And get in good with Slughorn, then you become part of the Slug Club."

"Great," Scar said, still taking imaginary notes. "Wisdom noted."

Its wisdom I hope she will use.

"And now what?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sirius asked. "We binge eat more candy. What else?"

Okay. I can explain.
As some of you know, I'm getting a book published and I've been using all of my wattpad time for writing my manuscript. It turns out writing a book is hard. I worked for four hours for two days (8 hours) and I've only written the first chapter. My WB (writers block) has been worse than ever. To make up, I decoded to do a extra long chappie. I hope it makes up.

So I just wanted to tell you guys jily for getting me to 14K. I never dreamed of having that any readers. Ever. So.... Until next time, byeeeee.

Now back to writing a story that o have too many ideas for but I can't  convey them on paper.

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