A malicious smile stretched across his face but his eyes held a darkness in them she couldn't comprehend.

"I'm different?" He repeated again, in disbelief. "Well, what the fuck did you expect Katie?"

His anger surprised her, and made her cower under his now-blazing forest green eyes. His lips still held that twisted smirk that made her insides churn. She had never expected this turn in the conversation and she looked around the empty restaurant to find that no one else was around to hear their argument.

Hadn't they just apologized back at the apartment? Hadn't everything seemed okay then? Why was it only now that he was acting like this? The questions ran through Katie's mind.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked quietly, shrinking back into the booth as she watched him in fear.

Harry brought a hand to run through his hair out of aggrevation as he searched for his own words in disbelief. Glancing out the window beside them and onto the street, she watched as the smile slowly faltered from his lips and was replaced with the expression of pure disbelief.

"The girl you're in love with stands in front of you and starts blaming you for everything thats been wrong, she basically tells you to fuck off and that she doesn't want to see you again and then she leaves you in America while she hits the road back to London and the only time you ever hear from her is through voicemail or text message, and in the end she wants to be friends." Harry spoke, in a scarily calm voice that made a chill run down Katie's spine. "I think I have a right to be different, Katelyn."

 Her eyes never left his face as he avoided her awaited stare. His eyes continued to glance out the window, as Katie took in every word.

Her heart clenched painfully in her chest. "But- but you said you wanted to be friends. We apologized and everything seemed fine-" She nearly whispered.

Harry chuckled heartlessly, a laugh that froze her to her core "I wouldn't have seen you in months if I hadn't of come back and I think it's only now that I'm realizing it, while sitting in this goddamned shabby diner, that everything we had before is ruined." Harry snorted. "I wanted to be friends because it helps me in not hating you."

Her stomach dropped to her knees as she tried to swallow back the sob that rose in her throat as she stared at him in awe-stuck horror.

His eyes flickered to her, almost as if it was just then that he had realized what he said. When he saw the expression on her face, his immediately softened.

"Katie-" He sighed, reaching across the table for her hand. But to his surprise, she tore her hand away from his the second he was about to touch it. 

His eyes became sad and full of an anger, and anger he only felt for himself.

"Katie, I didn't mean it like that-" He tried to sooth, his jaw locking as he saw the tears pool in Katie's chocolate brown orbs. To him, she looked like a kicked puppy and nothing broke his heart more.

Katie swallowed the lump in her throat as she reached into her purse and searched for her wallet. She did this in silence, hyper aware of Harry's eyes watching her the same time.

"You know-" She began to speak when she had finally found her voice. But the words came out in a croak, her voice thick with tears.

"-Every single night since I left, I haven't been able to sleep." She said quietly, pulling a five bill and putting it on the table beside her milkshake. She now looked up bravely to meet Harry's sad and questioning eyes. "-And it's because every single night all I do is pray to God. I don't pray that I'll somehow magically get better, or that Andrea will go on without me just fine. Not that I'll see my parents again before I go, or that I die peacefully in my sleep. No." She continued.

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